Mt. Vernon School Library



Accelerated Reader
Test List Report-Sorted by Points
Test    Book                                                 Reading  Point
Number  Title                            Author              Level    Value
47314EN Albert                            Donna Jo Napoli      3.2      0.5
53446EN Amber Was Brave, Essie Was Smart  Vera B. Williams     4.2      0.5
16874EN Amelia's Notebook                 Marissa Moss         3.7      0.5
43508EN And the Dish Ran Away with the S  Stevens/Crummel      2.6      0.5
  652EN Annie and the Old One             Miska Miles          4.4      0.5
48453EN Arlington National Cemetery: Whe  Bob Temple           6.2      0.5
  653EN The B. Bears and Too Much TV      Stan/Jan Berenstai   3.8      0.5
14401EN The Ballad of the Pirate Queens   Jane Yolen           5.0      0.5
36290EN Baseball in Action                Crossingham/Dann     4.8      0.5
36289EN Basketball in Action              Crossingham/Dann     5.2      0.5
  655EN The Black Snowman                 Phil Mendez          3.7      0.5
27669EN Black Whiteness                   Robert Burleigh      4.4      0.5
  156EN Blue Moose                        Daniel Manus Pinkw   4.4      0.5
16870EN A Boy Called Slow                 Joseph Bruchac       4.3      0.5
53486EN Captain and Matey Set Sail        Daniel Laurence      3.0      0.5
  462EN The Carp in the Bathtub           Barbara Cohen        3.9      0.5
 5212EN Catwings                          Ursula K. Le Guin    4.3      0.5
53933EN Clever Beatrice                   Margaret Willey      3.8      0.5
41519EN Crazy Horse's Vision              Joseph Bruchac       4.0      0.5
  409EN Curious George Flies a Kite       Margret Rey          2.7      0.5
 6312EN The Discovery of the Americas     Betsy/Giulio Maest   6.3      0.5
  259EN The Drinking Gourd                F.N. Monjo           3.0      0.5
61640EN Earthquakes                       Seymour Simon        6.5      0.5
48454EN Ellis Island: Gateway to Freedom  Bob Temple           5.9      0.5
55718EN The Emperor Lays an Egg           Brenda Z. Guiberso   4.0      0.5
 6313EN Encounter                         Jane Yolen           4.2      0.5
23330EN The Enormous Crocodile            Roald Dahl           4.0      0.5
  262EN Freckle Juice                     Judy Blume           3.1      0.5
42818EN The Girl Who Struck Out Babe Rut  Jean L.S. Patrick    3.0      0.5
53934EN Goin' Someplace Special           Patricia C. McKiss   4.3      0.5
16915EN The Great Redwall Feast           Brian Jacques        4.9      0.5
 6219EN The Growing-Up Feet               Beverly Cleary       3.0      0.5
36288EN Hockey in Action                  Walker/Dann          5.6      0.5
48456EN The Hoover Dam: A Monument of In  Luke S. Gabriel      4.5      0.5
  487EN Horrible Harry in Room 2B         Suzy Kline           3.2      0.5
44594EN The House of Wisdom               Heide/Gilliland      5.1      0.5
  665EN I Speak English for My Mom        Muriel Stanek        2.8      0.5
16988EN Iditarod Dream: Dusty and His Sl  Ted Wood             5.0      0.5
35835EN Jane on Her Own: A Catwings Tale  Ursula K. Le Guin    3.9      0.5
 7047EN Judy Scuppernong                  Brenda Seabrooke     4.9      0.5
 6322EN Jumbo                             Rhoda Blumberg       4.8      0.5
  668EN Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie    Peter/Connie Roop    2.2      0.5
  670EN Knots on a Counting Rope          Jr. Bill Martin      2.8      0.5
54098EN Leonardo's Horse                  Jean Fritz           4.6      0.5
  326EN Like Jake and Me                  Mavis Jukes          2.9      0.5
48457EN The Lincoln Memorial: A Great Pr  Frederic Gilmore     5.8      0.5
32555EN Love Letters                      Arnold Adoff         3.3      0.5
35402EN Malcolm X: A Fire Burning Bright  Walter Dean Myers    6.0      0.5
57412EN Martin's Big Words: The Life of   Doreen Rappaport     3.4      0.5
 2106EN The Mary Celeste: An Unsolved My  Yolen/Stemple        4.5      0.5
12474EN Math Curse                        Jon Scieszka         3.7      0.5
57947EN Mice and Beans                    Pam Muñoz Ryan       3.6      0.5
 6334EN A Million Fish...More or Less     Patricia C. McKiss   4.0      0.5
57051EN Milo's Hat Trick                  Jon Agee             2.4      0.5
 6335EN Mirette on the High Wire          Emily Arnold McCul   3.6      0.5
41946EN Miss Alaineus: A Vocabulary Disa  Debra Frasier        5.3      0.5
 6337EN Moss Gown                         William Hooks        4.2      0.5
48455EN Mount Rushmore: From Mountain to  Luke S. Gabriel      4.9      0.5
  330EN Nate the Great                    Marjorie Weinman S   2.0      0.5
  430EN Nate the Great and the Boring Be  Marjorie Weinman S   2.7      0.5
  678EN Nate the Great and the Musical N  Marjorie/Craig Sha   2.9      0.5
11557EN Night of the Gargoyles            Eve Bunting          4.1      0.5
59486EN Oceans                            Seymour Simon        5.8      0.5
  679EN The One in the Middle Is a Green  Judy Blume           2.5      0.5
48058EN Patches Lost and Found            Steven Kroll         2.7      0.5
  681EN The Patchwork Quilt               Valerie Flournoy     3.7      0.5
 8431EN Powwow                            George Ancona        6.4      0.5
 6340EN Ragtime Tumpie                    Alan Schroeder       4.2      0.5
44592EN Rimshots                          Charles R. Smith J   4.2      0.5
49750EN Rocks in His Head                 Carol Otis Hurst     3.5      0.5
50950EN Runaway Radish                    Jessie Haas          3.2      0.5
  686EN Sam, Bangs & Moonshine            Evaline Ness         3.6      0.5
32180EN The Secret Knowledge of Grown-Up  David Wisniewski     5.5      0.5
 6343EN Sister Yessa's Story              Karen Greenfield     4.0      0.5
39885EN So You Want to Be President?      Judith St. George    4.8      0.5
36287EN Soccer in Action                  Walker/Dann          5.3      0.5
 8679EN The Sweetest Fig                  Chris VanAllsburg    3.7      0.5
 6344EN Three Wishes                      Lucille Clifton      3.3      0.5
 6345EN To the Top                        S.A. Kramer          4.2      0.5
30309EN The Top of the World: Climbing M  Steve Jenkins        5.6      0.5
36291EN Volleyball in Action              Crossingham/Dann     4.8      0.5
50506EN Wait! No Paint!                   Bruce Whatley        3.2      0.5
18254EN The War between the Vowels and t  Priscilla Turner     3.5      0.5
48458EN The Washington Monument: A Tribu  Frederic Gilmore     5.9      0.5
57057EN The Web Files                     Margie Palatini      2.5      0.5
29941EN Weslandia                         Paul Fleischman      4.8      0.5
64311EN When Marian Sang                  Pam Muñoz Ryan       5.2      0.5
 6348EN The Widow's Broom                 Chris VanAllsburg    4.7      0.5
 6349EN The Wing Shop                     Elvira Woodruff      3.7      0.5
10200EN Wolves                            Seymour Simon        5.7      0.5
13998EN Wrestling Basics                  Jeff Savage          5.1      0.5
  699EN The Year of the Perfect Christma  Gloria Houston       4.2      0.5
43505EN The Yellow Star: The Legend of K  Carmen Agra Deedy    3.7      0.5
46486EN Zero Grandparents                 Michelle Edwards     3.1      0.5
30629EN 26 Fairmount Avenue               Tomie De Paola       4.4      1.0
49142EN Abraham Lincoln: Our Sixteenth P  Sarah Bowler         6.2      1.0
20251EN The Adventures of Captain Underp  Dav Pilkey           4.3      1.0
  401EN The Adventures of Ratman          Ellen Weiss          3.3      1.0
  452EN Alex Fitzgerald's Cure for Night  Kathleen Krull       3.2      1.0
  402EN Aliens for Breakfast              Jonathan Etra        3.2      1.0
11145EN Amber Brown Is Not a Crayon       Paula Danziger       3.7      1.0
 2222EN The American Revolution (Moments  Shirley Jordan       4.1      1.0
49143EN Andrew Jackson: Our Seventh Pres  Ann Graham Gaines    5.5      1.0
49144EN Andrew Johnson: Our Seventeenth   Judith E. Harper     6.2      1.0
54157EN Attack on Pearl Harbor            Shelley Tanaka       5.7      1.0
 2220EN Avalanche! The Deadly Slide       Jane Duden           4.1      1.0
  153EN Be a Perfect Person in Just Thre  Stephen Manes        4.2      1.0
11555EN Beethoven Lives Upstairs          Barbara Nichol       4.6      1.0
49145EN Benjamin Harrison: Our Twenty-th  Sandra Francis       6.0      1.0
  460EN Big Base Hit                      Dean Hughes          3.7      1.0
 2224EN Bigfoot: The Legend Lives On      L.L. Owens           3.4      1.0
  656EN Blackberries in the Dark          Mavis Jukes          3.6      1.0
 2408EN Blizzards! Snowstorm Fury         Mary C. Turck        4.8      1.0
  658EN Blue Skies, French Fries          Judy Delton          3.1      1.0
 6353EN The Boonsville Bombers            Alison Cragin Herz   3.1      1.0
  404EN The Boy Who Ate Dog Biscuits      Betsy Sachs          2.6      1.0
27968EN A Brilliant Streak: The Making o  Kathryn Lasky        6.6      1.0
  659EN Brutus the Wonder Poodle          Linda Gondosch       2.5      1.0
13904EN Buffalo Bills (NFL Today)         Loren Stanley        7.2      1.0
  484EN Busybody Nora                     Johanna Hurwitz      4.1      1.0
49146EN Calvin Coolidge: Our Thirtieth P  Melissa Maupin       5.8      1.0
  308EN Cam Jansen...Mystery...Stolen Di  David A. Adler       3.2      1.0
  405EN Camp Ghost-Away                   Judy Delton          3.1      1.0
  159EN The Case of the Elevator Duck     Polly Berends        4.0      1.0
28567EN Catwings Return                   Ursula K. Le Guin    4.3      1.0
24550EN Cave Story: An Underground Adven  Mike Graf            3.4      1.0
  255EN The Chalk Box Kid                 Clyde Robert Bulla   2.7      1.0
49147EN Chester A. Arthur: Our Twenty-fi  Carol Brunelli       6.2      1.0
13403EN Child Care: Yeow! I'm in Charge   Mary Ellis           3.7      1.0
24551EN Civil War: Moments in History     Shirley Jordan       4.0      1.0
 8408EN Come Back, Salmon                 Molly Cone           5.6      1.0
  161EN The Comeback Dog                  Jane Resh Thomas     4.9      1.0
  408EN Cookies and Crutches              Judy Delton          3.0      1.0
  464EN Cory Coleman, Grade 2             Larry Dane Brimner   2.9      1.0
   21EN The Courage of Sarah Noble        Alice Dalgliesh      3.9      1.0
  410EN The Curse of the Squirrel         Laurence Yep         3.0      1.0
  412EN The Daring Rescue of Marlon the   Susan Saunders       4.5      1.0
45491EN Dear Whiskers                     Ann Whitehead Nagd   3.3      1.0
48764EN Dick Cheney: A Life in Public Se  Elaine Andrews       5.4      1.0
 6311EN Dinosaurs before Dark             Mary Pope Osborne    2.6      1.0
49148EN Dwight D. Eisenhower: Our Thirty  Sarah Bowler         6.5      1.0
13409EN Earthquake! On Shaky Ground       Jane Duden           5.2      1.0
 6876EN Everything...AIDS                 Barbara Taylor       6.3      1.0
 6877EN Everything...Alcohol              Barbara Taylor       5.4      1.0
 6878EN Everything...Alcoholic Parent     Nancy Shuker         5.3      1.0
 6879EN Everything...Anger                Renora Licata        4.4      1.0
 6880EN Everything...Birth Control        Gary Mucciolo        5.6      1.0
 6881EN Everything...Date Rape            Franny Shuker-Hain   4.6      1.0
 6882EN Everything...Dating               Diane Kolyer         5.3      1.0
 6883EN Everything...Drug Abuse           Jacqueline A. Ball   4.6      1.0
 6884EN Everything...Family Violence      Evan Stark           4.5      1.0
 6885EN Everything...Grieving             Karen Spies          4.2      1.0
 6886EN Everything...Growing Up Female    Ellen Kahaner        5.6      1.0
 6888EN Everything...Romantic Breakup     Alicia Thomas        4.3      1.0
 6889EN Everything...Sexual Abuse         Evan Stark           4.5      1.0
 6890EN Everything...Sexual Harassment    Elizabeth Bouchard   4.7      1.0
 6891EN Everything...Sexually Transmitte  Samuel G. Woods      5.5      1.0
 6892EN Everything...Smoking              Elizabeth Keyishia   5.3      1.0
 6893EN Everything...Stepfamilies         Bruce S. Glassman    4.7      1.0
 6894EN Everything...Teen Marriage        Eleanor H. Ayer      4.3      1.0
 6895EN Everything...Teen Motherhood      Jane Hammerslough    5.4      1.0
 6896EN Everything...Teen Pregnancy       Tracy Hughes         4.8      1.0
 6897EN Everything...Teen Suicide         Jay Schleifer        4.7      1.0
 6898EN Everything...When a Parent Dies   Fred Bratman         4.3      1.0
 6899EN Everything...Your Legal Rights    Kenneth Fox          5.9      1.0
 6900EN Everything...Your Parents' Divor  Linda Carlson John   4.3      1.0
30638EN Fire in the Sky                   Candice F. Ransom    4.2      1.0
13410EN Fire! Raging Destruction          Barbara Bondar       4.2      1.0
28490EN Flood: Wrestling with the Missis  Patricia Lauber      5.8      1.0
 2221EN Floods! Rising, Raging Waters     Jane Duden           4.2      1.0
  314EN The Fourth Floor...Skyscraper Pa  David A. Adler       3.3      1.0
49149EN Franklin D. Roosevelt: Our Thirt  Melissa Maupin       6.0      1.0
49150EN Franklin Pierce: Our Fourteenth   Steven Ferry         6.2      1.0
52592EN Freedom's Wings: Corey's Diary    Sharon Dennis Wyet   3.0      1.0
13412EN Friendship: Come along on a Crui  Anita Higman         3.2      1.0
  315EN The Friendship                    Mildred D. Taylor    4.1      1.0
49151EN George Bush: Our Forty-first Pre  Sandra Francis       6.5      1.0
49152EN George W. Bush: Our Forty-third   Ann Graham Gaines    6.3      1.0
 1402EN George W. Bush: The Family Busin  Daniel Cohen         5.8      1.0
49153EN George Washington: Our First Pre  Ann Graham Gaines    5.9      1.0
49154EN Gerald R. Ford: Our Thirty-eight  Sandra Francis       6.4      1.0
  415EN The Ghost in Tent 19              Jim/Jane O'Connor    3.3      1.0
29503EN Ghost Liners: Exploring the Worl  Robert D. Ballard    7.0      1.0
  168EN Give Us a Great Big Smile, Rosy   Sheila Greenwald     3.8      1.0
  170EN The Gold Cadillac                 Mildred D. Taylor    4.1      1.0
  662EN The Golden Bird                   Hans Stolp           4.0      1.0
49155EN Grover Cleveland: Our Twenty-sec  Ann Graham Gaines    5.6      1.0
  416EN Harry Kitten and Tucker Mouse     George Selden        4.0      1.0
49156EN Harry S. Truman: Our Thirty-thir  Ann Graham Gaines    6.0      1.0
  317EN The Haunting of Grade Three       Grace Maccarone      3.8      1.0
24559EN Helping Paws: Service Dogs        Jane Duden           4.3      1.0
49157EN Herbert Hoover: Our Thirty-first  Gerry/Janet Souter   5.9      1.0
  319EN Herbie Jones and the Class Gift   Suzy Kline           3.4      1.0
 6318EN The Heroine of the Titanic        Joan W. Blos         4.9      1.0
  268EN How Yossi Beat the Evil Urge      Miriam Chaikin       3.7      1.0
   42EN The Hundred Dresses               Eleanor Estes        5.4      1.0
  320EN The Hundred Penny Box             Sharon Bell Mathis   3.9      1.0
13418EN Hurricane! Nature's Most Destruc  Margo Sorenson       4.4      1.0
18253EN Hurricanes: Earth's Mightiest St  Patricia Lauber      6.0      1.0
12382EN I'd Rather Be Eaten by Sharks     Elaine Moore         3.9      1.0
  475EN I'll Meet You at the Cucumbers    Lilian Moore         3.5      1.0
13419EN The Iditarod: The Greatest Win E  Monica Devine        3.5      1.0
13913EN Indianapolis Colts (NFL Today)    Loren Stanley        6.0      1.0
36624EN It's Disgusting and We Ate It     James Solheim        6.0      1.0
  478EN J. T.                             Jane Wagner          4.6      1.0
49158EN James A. Garfield: Our Twentieth  Carol Brunelli       6.1      1.0
49159EN James Buchanan: Our Fifteenth Pr  Gerry/Jane Souter    6.2      1.0
49160EN James Earl Carter: Our Thirty-ni  Lori Hobkirk         6.3      1.0
49161EN James Madison: Our Fourth Presid  Ann Graham Gaines    6.0      1.0
49162EN James Monroe: Our Fifth Presiden  Ann Graham Gaines    5.9      1.0
49163EN James Polk: Our Eleventh Preside  Ann Graham Gaines    5.7      1.0
49164EN John Adams: Our Second President  Ann Graham Gaines    6.0      1.0
49165EN John F. Kennedy: Our Thirty-fift  Judith E. Harper     6.2      1.0
49166EN John Quincy Adams: Our Sixth Pre  Gerry/Janet Souter   6.0      1.0
49167EN John Tyler: Our Tenth President   Steven Ferry         6.1      1.0
17626EN Josefina's Surprise               Valerie Tripp        4.6      1.0
  667EN Julian, Dream Doctor              Ann Cameron          2.9      1.0
  273EN Julian's Glorious Summer          Ann Cameron          3.1      1.0
  423EN Julian, Secret Agent              Ann Cameron          3.1      1.0
 6323EN Junie B. Jones and a Little Monk  Barbara Park         2.9      1.0
 6324EN Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Sm  Barbara Park         2.9      1.0
13420EN Kayaking: Riding the Rapids       Sarah Beurskens      3.9      1.0
 6325EN The King's Equal                  Katherine Paterson   5.2      1.0
  479EN Kirsten Learns a Lesson           Janet Shaw           4.0      1.0
  669EN Kirsten's Surprise                Janet Shaw           3.9      1.0
 6327EN The Knight at Dawn                Mary Pope Osborne    2.9      1.0
48770EN Laura Welch Bush: First Lady      Tanya Lee Stone      5.7      1.0
  157EN Lazy Lions, Lucky Lambs           Patricia Reilly Gi   2.7      1.0
  276EN The Lemming Condition             Alan Arkin           4.3      1.0
 4596EN Lights, Camera, Action!           Anita Higman         4.0      1.0
 4597EN Lights, Camera, Action! 2         Anita Higman         4.2      1.0
  671EN Lila on the Landing               Sue Alexander        3.1      1.0
  424EN Lily and the Runaway Baby         Susan Shreve         4.4      1.0
 8074EN Long Claws                        James Houston        5.1      1.0
52616EN Love That Dog                     Sharon Creech        4.5      1.0
  673EN Lucky Dog Days                    Judy Delton          2.9      1.0
11561EN Lucky on the Loose                Betsy Duffey         3.1      1.0
  181EN The Lucky Stone                   Lucille Clifton      4.4      1.0
49168EN Lyndon Baines Johnson: Our Thirt  Melissa Maupin       6.0      1.0
48964EN The Man-Eating Tigers of Sundarb  Sy Montgomery        6.0      1.0
49169EN Martin Van Buren: Our Eighth Pre  Steven Ferry         6.5      1.0
 6331EN Marvin Redpost: Kidnapped at Bir  Louis Sachar         2.8      1.0
 6332EN Marvin Redpost: Why Pick on Me?   Louis Sachar         2.7      1.0
11556EN Master of Mahogany: Tom Day, Fre  Mary E. Lyons        6.4      1.0
   56EN The Matchlock Gun                 Walter D. Edmonds    5.1      1.0
  425EN Meet Kirsten                      Janet Shaw           3.8      1.0
  426EN Meet Molly                        Valerie Tripp        4.2      1.0
  427EN Meet Samantha                     Susan S. Adler       3.8      1.0
32556EN A Midsummer Night's Dream         Shakespeare/Covill   7.1      1.0
49170EN Millard Fillmore: Our Thirteenth  Gerry/Janet Souter   6.3      1.0
  428EN The Minstrel in the Tower         Gloria Skurzynski    4.2      1.0
  485EN Molly Learns a Lesson             Valerie Tripp        3.7      1.0
  675EN Molly's Surprise                  Valerie Tripp        3.6      1.0
  676EN The Most Beautiful Place in the   Ann Cameron          4.2      1.0
13424EN Mountain Climbing: Scaling the H  Monica Devine        3.5      1.0
52322EN Mountain Men: True Grit and Tall  Andrew Glass         6.9      1.0
  677EN Much Ado about Aldo               Johanna Hurwitz      4.8      1.0
  429EN Muggie Maggie                     Beverly Cleary       4.5      1.0
 8478EN Mummies & Their Mysteries         Charlotte Wilcox     6.8      1.0
  280EN Mustard                           Charlotte Graeber    3.1      1.0
  486EN My Father's Dragon                Ruth Stiles Gannet   5.6      1.0
12380EN My Name Is Maria Isabel           Alma Flor Ada        4.9      1.0
  183EN My Robot Buddy                    Alfred Slote         3.6      1.0
44373EN My Season with Penguins: An Anta  Sophie Webb          6.9      1.0
  184EN My Trip to Alpha I                Alfred Slote         4.3      1.0
13918EN New England Patriots (NFL Today)  Steve Potts          6.4      1.0
  431EN Next Spring an Oriole             Gloria Whelan        4.5      1.0
12492EN The Night Crossing                Karen Ackerman       5.3      1.0
  432EN O'Diddy                           Jocelyn Stevenson    3.7      1.0
13922EN Oakland Raiders (NFL Today)       Steve Potts          6.6      1.0
13427EN Ocean Diving: Traveling through   W. Wright Robinson   4.5      1.0
24567EN Oil Spills: The Perils of Petrol  Duden/Walker         4.5      1.0
14599EN On the Bus with Joanna Cole: A C  Joanna Cole          5.8      1.0
31639EN Once a Wolf                       Stephen R. Swinbur   7.5      1.0
  334EN A Package for Miss Marshwater     Elfie Donnelly       3.4      1.0
13428EN Pets: Never Dance with a Tree Fr  Anita Higman         3.4      1.0
  444EN Pickle Puss                       Patricia Reilly Gi   2.1      1.0
 8685EN Pink and Say                      Patricia Polacco     3.8      1.0
  335EN Pioneer Cat                       William Hooks        3.3      1.0
24569EN Pioneer Days: Moments in History  Shirley Jordan       4.1      1.0
14529EN The Private Notebook of Katie Ro  Amy Hest             3.5      1.0
  698EN Purple Climbing Days              Patricia Reilly Gi   2.4      1.0
  434EN Rabbit Spring                     Tilde Michels        3.8      1.0
  286EN The Real Thief                    William Steig        6.1      1.0
  435EN Red Ribbon Rosie                  Jean Marzollo        3.8      1.0
  287EN The Reluctant Dragon              Kenneth Grahame      6.5      1.0
  288EN The Remembering Box               Eth Clifford         4.1      1.0
49171EN Richard M. Nixon: Our Thirty-sev  Ann Graham Gaines    6.2      1.0
15084EN Rodomonte's Revenge               Gary Paulsen         3.7      1.0
49172EN Ronald Reagan: Our Fortieth Pres  Klingel/Noyed        6.4      1.0
  685EN Rosy's Romance                    Sheila Greenwald     3.8      1.0
49173EN Rutherford B. Hayes: Our Ninetee  Sandra Francis       5.9      1.0
  436EN Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cr  Eleanor Coerr        4.1      1.0
  495EN Samantha Learns a Lesson          Susan S. Adler       4.3      1.0
  687EN Samantha's Surprise               Maxine Rose Schur    3.9      1.0
13925EN San Diego Chargers (NFL Today)    Loren Stanley        6.5      1.0
  338EN Santiago's Silver Mine            Eleanor Clymer       3.9      1.0
  137EN Sarah, Plain and Tall             Patricia MacLachla   3.4      1.0
  657EN Say "Cheese"                      Patricia Reilly Gi   2.4      1.0
10226EN Scoop Snoops                      Constance Hiser      4.1      1.0
  688EN The Seal Oil Lamp                 Dale DeArmond        4.6      1.0
  636EN Sebastian Stars-in-His-Eyes Myst  Mary Blount Christ   4.3      1.0
13732EN The Secret of the Seal            Deborah Davis        4.4      1.0
36672EN Secrets of the Mummies            Shelley Tanaka       7.0      1.0
  289EN Seven Kisses in a Row             Patricia MacLachla   3.4      1.0
  290EN The Shadowmaker                   Ron Hansen           5.1      1.0
 8439EN Sharks: Challengers of the Deep   Mary M. Cerullo      7.5      1.0
  340EN Shoeshine Girl                    Clyde Robert Bulla   2.7      1.0
  291EN Sidewalk Story                    Sharon Bell Mathis   3.3      1.0
  439EN Silver                            Gloria Whelan        4.5      1.0
  189EN The Skates of Uncle Richard       Carol Fenner         4.3      1.0
10209EN Skylark                           Patricia MacLachla   3.2      1.0
  448EN Snaggle Doodles                   Patricia Reilly Gi   2.6      1.0
  191EN Song of the Trees                 Mildred D. Taylor    3.8      1.0
  344EN Stay Away from Simon!             Carol Carrick        3.8      1.0
  689EN Stepbrother Sabotage              Sally Wittman        4.1      1.0
  293EN Stone Fox                         John Reynolds Gard   4.0      1.0
 2484EN Stop Pretending: What Happened W  Sonya Sones          4.8      1.0
 5158EN The Story of the Challenger Disa  Zachary Kent         6.8      1.0
45954EN Strikeout Kings                   James Buckley Jr.    5.7      1.0
  345EN Sunny-Side Up                     Patricia Reilly Gi   2.3      1.0
43744EN Surviving Brick Johnson           Laurie Myers         3.5      1.0
  445EN Talk about a Family               Eloise Greenfield    3.6      1.0
  347EN Teddy Bear's Scrapbook            Deborah/James Howe   4.1      1.0
49174EN Theodore Roosevelt: Our Twenty-s  Ann Graham Gaines    5.7      1.0
  691EN Third Grade Is Terrible           Barbara Baker        2.7      1.0
11558EN The Third Planet: Exploring Eart  Ride/O'Shaughnessy   6.8      1.0
49175EN Thomas Jefferson: Our Third Pres  Elizabeth Sirimarc   5.6      1.0
14598EN Tornado                           Betsy Byars          3.2      1.0
 4595EN Tornado! The Strongest Winds on   Mike Graf            3.5      1.0
  197EN Trouble for Lucy                  Carla Stevens        3.8      1.0
13446EN Tsunami! Death Wave               Margo Sorenson       4.4      1.0
 9297EN The Twits                         Roald Dahl           4.4      1.0
49176EN Ulysses S. Grant: Our Eighteenth  Ann Graham Gaines    5.8      1.0
  695EN The Velveteen Rabbit              Margery Williams     4.9      1.0
13448EN Volcano! Dome of Fire             Barbara Bondar       4.9      1.0
 6745EN Volcano: The Eruption and Healin  Patricia Lauber      5.2      1.0
49177EN Warren G. Harding: Our Twenty-ni  Gerry/Janet Souter   6.0      1.0
50170EN Westward to Home: Joshua's Diary  Patricia Hermes      3.1      1.0
14445EN When Willard Met Babe Ruth        Donald Hall          4.9      1.0
12691EN Wildlife Rescue: The Work of Dr.  Jennifer Owings De   5.5      1.0
49178EN William Henry Harrison: Our Nint  Ann Graham Gaines    5.7      1.0
49179EN William Howard Taft: Our Twenty-  Melissa Maupin       6.0      1.0
49180EN William J. Clinton: Our Forty-se  Ann Graham Gaines    6.2      1.0
49181EN William McKinley: Our Twenty-fif  Klingel/Noyed        6.4      1.0
  697EN Winning Streak                    Dean Hughes          3.6      1.0
 6350EN Wolf Child                        Dennis Nolan         5.1      1.0
14699EN Wonderful Alexander and the Catw  Ursula K. Le Guin    3.7      1.0
49182EN Woodrow Wilson: Our Twenty-eight  Brunelli/Gaines      6.1      1.0
  350EN Wrongway Applebaum                Marjorie Lewis       5.2      1.0
49183EN Zachary Taylor: Our Twelfth Pres  Carol Brunelli       6.6      1.0
  413EN The 89th Kitten                   Eleanor Nilsson      4.7      2.0
54155EN Abraham Lincoln                   George Sullivan      5.3      2.0
 5253EN The Acorn People                  Ron Jones            5.6      2.0
  451EN The Adventures of Ali Baba Berns  Johanna Hurwitz      4.6      2.0
59348EN After the Rain: Virginia's Civil  Mary Pope Osborne    4.6      2.0
 2412EN Air Devils: Sky Racers, Sky Dive  Ellen Hopkins        5.3      2.0
  651EN Aldo Applesauce                   Johanna Hurwitz      4.7      2.0
 2409EN America's Early Settlers          Shirley Jordan       4.6      2.0
 2223EN Ancient Egypt                     Shirley Jordan       4.7      2.0
62174EN As Far as I Can See: Meg's Prair  Kate McMullan        3.8      2.0
    5EN B Is for Betsy                    Carolyn Haywood      4.3      2.0
  152EN Back Yard Angel                   Judy Delton          4.3      2.0
10894EN The Barn                          Avi                  3.9      2.0
  252EN The Bears' House                  Marilyn Sachs        4.1      2.0
  253EN The Best Christmas Pageant Ever   Barbara Robinson     5.1      2.0
  654EN Betsy's Little Star               Carolyn Haywood      3.6      2.0
 5060EN The Birds' Christmas Carol        Kate Douglas Wiggi   7.3      2.0
13767EN Black-Eyed Susan                  Jennifer Armstrong   5.1      2.0
  557EN A Blue-Eyed Daisy                 Cynthia Rylant       4.6      2.0
 5301EN The Boxcar Children               Gertrude Chandler    3.9      2.0
 6305EN The Boy Who Owned the School      Gary Paulsen         5.5      2.0
  254EN Bunnicula                         Deborah/James Howe   4.2      2.0
53784EN Caleb's Story                     Patricia MacLachla   2.9      2.0
   17EN The Cat Who Went to Heaven        Elizabeth Coatswor   5.9      2.0
 5357EN Catch That Pass!                  Matt Christopher     3.9      2.0
  463EN The Catnapping Caper              Mary Anderson        4.1      2.0
  660EN The Celery Stalks at Midnight     James Howe           4.0      2.0
  256EN The Chocolate Touch               Patrick Catling      4.7      2.0
41483EN The Christmas Box                 Richard Paul Evans   5.4      2.0
54161EN Christopher Columbus              Peter/Connie Roop    4.8      2.0
  310EN Class Clown                       Johanna Hurwitz      4.6      2.0
  406EN Class President                   Johanna Hurwitz      4.3      2.0
 6309EN Clues in the Woods                Peggy Parish         3.4      2.0
 4701EN The Composite Guide to Track & F  Norman L. Macht      7.7      2.0
 4702EN The Composite Guide to Wrestling  Jim Gallagher        8.3      2.0
11409EN The Counterfeit Tackle            Matt Christopher     3.9      2.0
14865EN Dakota Spring                     Dorothy Anne Love    3.6      2.0
 6310EN The Diamond Champs                Matt Christopher     4.5      2.0
  312EN Did You Carry the Flag Today, Ch  Rebecca Caudill      3.9      2.0
32562EN Dinosaur Habitat                  Helen V. Griffith    4.4      2.0
17562EN A Dolphin Named Bob               Twig C. George       5.9      2.0
27727EN Drive-By                          Lynne Ewing          3.6      2.0
  313EN Eating Ice Cream with a Werewolf  Phyllis Green        3.4      2.0
  260EN Einstein Anderson, Science Sleut  Seymour Simon        4.4      2.0
 6887EN Everything...Growing Up Male      Bruce S. Glassman    4.9      2.0
 2410EN Explorers to the New World        Shirley Jordan       4.9      2.0
50150EN Five Smooth Stones: Hope's Diary  Kristiana Gregory    4.4      2.0
  165EN The Flunking of Joshua T. Bates   Susan Shreve         5.1      2.0
 2219EN Football's Fallen Hero: The Jack  Steven L. Jones      4.8      2.0
26735EN For Your Eyes Only                Joanne Rocklin       4.3      2.0
16637EN Frindle                           Andrew Clements      5.4      2.0
 2411EN From Smoke Signals to Email       Shirley Jordan       4.8      2.0
10776EN George's Marvelous Medicine       Roald Dahl           4.0      2.0
  263EN Getting Something on Maggie Marm  Marjorie Weinman S   4.2      2.0
10298EN Ghost Witch                       Betty Ren Wright     3.9      2.0
24558EN Gorillas: Huge and Gentle         Caroline E. Walsh    3.7      2.0
 3973EN Gospel According to Mark (Bible-  NIV Student Editio   5.8      2.0
  171EN A Grandmother for the Orphelines  Natalie Carlson      4.7      2.0
  568EN Gray Boy                          Jim Arnosky          5.1      2.0
  470EN The Green Book                    Jill Paton Walsh     5.5      2.0
  316EN The Happy Orpheline               Natalie Carlson      4.8      2.0
64036EN The Heavenly Village              Cynthia Rylant       5.4      2.0
  472EN Help! I'm a Prisoner in the Libr  Eth Clifford         4.0      2.0
  318EN Herbie Jones                      Suzy Kline           3.5      2.0
  174EN How to Eat Fried Worms            Thomas Rockwell      3.5      2.0
  269EN Hugh Pine                         Jan VanDeWetering    4.8      2.0
  421EN Ice Magic                         Matt Christopher     4.8      2.0
29481EN The Imp That Ate My Homework      Laurence Yep         4.0      2.0
  322EN Incognito Mosquito Makes History  E.A. Hass            5.2      2.0
 6730EN Into the Mummy's Tomb             Nicholas Reeves      6.9      2.0
  324EN It's New! It's Improved! It's Te  Stephen Manes        3.2      2.0
10211EN Jackson Jones and the Puddle of   Mary Quattlebaum     3.2      2.0
  271EN Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded F  Mordecai Richler     5.2      2.0
  477EN Johnny Long Legs                  Matt Christopher     4.0      2.0
17625EN Josefina Learns a Lesson          Valerie Tripp        4.5      2.0
  369EN Journey to Jo'burg                Beverley Naidoo      4.6      2.0
20243EN Kennedy Assassinated! The World   Wilborn Hampton      6.6      2.0
37032EN Kit Learns a Lesson               Valerie Tripp        4.5      2.0
37033EN Kit's Surprise                    Valerie Tripp        4.4      2.0
  236EN Kneeknock Rise                    Natalie Babbitt      4.4      2.0
 7864EN Life in the Desert                Tres Seymour         4.0      2.0
  672EN A Lion to Guard Us                Clyde Robert Bulla   2.9      2.0
  123EN The Little Prince                 Antoine deSaint-Ex   5.0      2.0
  180EN The Little Riders                 Margaretha Shemin    5.4      2.0
13731EN Llama Pajamas                     Susan Clymer         4.0      2.0
  328EN Luke Was There                    Eleanor Clymer       3.5      2.0
  481EN Making the Team                   Dean Hughes          3.6      2.0
17632EN Meet Josefina                     Valerie Tripp        4.1      2.0
37031EN Meet Kit                          Valerie Tripp        4.5      2.0
11480EN Mick Harte Was Here               Barbara Park         4.5      2.0
  626EN Miko                              Bruce Donehower      4.2      2.0
 2118EN Mind's Eye                        Paul Fleischman      3.4      2.0
  278EN Mishmash                          Molly Cone           4.2      2.0
36488EN Morgy Makes His Move              Maggie Lewis         3.8      2.0
40138EN My Brother's Keeper: Virginia's   Mary Pope Osborne    4.3      2.0
10789EN Nasty, Stinky Sneakers            Eve Bunting          3.3      2.0
  282EN Nighty-Nightmare                  James Howe           4.2      2.0
  433EN Oh Honestly, Angela!              Nancy Robinson       3.7      2.0
  128EN On My Honor                       Marion Dane Bauer    4.7      2.0
44826EN Our Strange New Land: Elizabeth'  Patricia Hermes      3.2      2.0
19540EN Out of Darkness: The Story of Lo  Russell Freedman     6.7      2.0
64516EN A Perfect Place: Joshua's Oregon  Patricia Hermes      3.8      2.0
54172EN Power Football: The Greatest Run  George Sullivan      6.3      2.0
11584EN The Rainbow Pony                  Anne Eliot Crompto   3.3      2.0
 6341EN Randall's Wall                    Carol Fenner         4.6      2.0
65060EN Remember Pearl Harbor: American   Thomas Allen         6.1      2.0
  187EN Rich Mitch                        Marjorie Weinman S   3.5      2.0
 9226EN Rookie Summer                     Bill Gutman          3.5      2.0
  337EN S.O.R. Losers                     Avi                  3.6      2.0
17994EN Safe Return                       Catherine Dexter     4.5      2.0
64751EN Season of Promise: Elizabeth's J  Patricia Hermes      3.6      2.0
  438EN The Secret Life of the Underwear  Betty Miles          3.7      2.0
19828EN Seedfolks                         Paul Fleischman      4.3      2.0
  341EN Sister                            Eloise Greenfield    3.8      2.0
  440EN Snot Stew                         Bill Wallace         3.2      2.0
  190EN Socks                             Beverly Cleary       5.2      2.0
20135EN Soldier's Heart                   Gary Paulsen         5.7      2.0
  192EN Soup                              Robert Newton Peck   4.4      2.0
52610EN The Starving Time: Elizabeth's D  Patricia Hermes      3.2      2.0
  582EN Stinker from Space                Pamela F. Service    5.1      2.0
  193EN Striped Ice Cream                 Joan Lexau           3.5      2.0
  295EN A Taste of Blackberries           Doris Buchanan Smi   4.0      2.0
10948EN The Tent                          Gary Paulsen         4.9      2.0
  646EN Time Out                          Helen Cresswell      3.8      2.0
  196EN Top Secret                        John Reynolds Gard   4.0      2.0
  590EN Touch the Moon                    Marion Dane Bauer    5.2      2.0
  693EN Tough to Tackle                   Matt Christopher     4.2      2.0
  647EN Tracker                           Gary Paulsen         5.3      2.0
  200EN Twenty and Ten                    Claire Huchet Bish   4.0      2.0
 7747EN Valentine Frankenstein            Maggie Twohill       3.6      2.0
16875EN Watchdog and the Coyotes          Bill Wallace         3.7      2.0
58693EN We Are Patriots: Hope's Revoluti  Kristiana Gregory    4.4      2.0
  696EN What a Catch!                     Dean Hughes          3.8      2.0
  299EN What's the Matter with Herbie Jo  Suzy Kline           3.3      2.0
27928EN When the Soldiers Were Gone       Vera W. Propp        3.5      2.0
  146EN The Whipping Boy                  Sid Fleischman       3.9      2.0
   96EN The White Stag                    Kate Seredy          6.6      2.0
14917EN Who Killed Mr. Chippendale?: A M  Mel Glenn            5.0      2.0
  446EN Who Stole the Wizard of Oz?       Avi                  3.6      2.0
54110EN Witness                           Karen Hesse          5.0      2.0
 2218EN Women with Grit                   Bonnie Highsmith T   4.6      2.0
 2225EN World War II (Moments in History  Shirley Jordan       4.9      2.0
  447EN The Year Mom Won the Pennant      Matt Christopher     4.0      2.0
  101EN Abel's Island                     William Steig        5.9      3.0
  302EN All about Sam                     Lois Lowry           4.0      3.0
  251EN The All New Jonah Twist           Natalie Honeycutt    3.8      3.0
  453EN Almost Starring Skinnybones       Barbara Park         4.0      3.0
58213EN The Amazing Thinking Machine      Dennis Haseley       5.0      3.0
  202EN Anastasia Krupnik                 Lois Lowry           4.5      3.0
  403EN Angel in Charge                   Judy Delton          4.7      3.0
  303EN Angel's Mother's Boyfriend        Judy Delton          4.8      3.0
34737EN Angels of Mercy                   Betsy Kuhn           7.1      3.0
  204EN Arthur, for the Very First Time   Patricia MacLachla   4.2      3.0
  205EN Babe, the Gallant Pig             Dick King-Smith      5.6      3.0
  457EN Banana Twist                      Florence Parry Hei   5.1      3.0
39557EN Because of Winn-Dixie             Kate DiCamillo       3.9      3.0
  304EN Beezus and Ramona                 Beverly Cleary       4.8      3.0
 6303EN Behind Rebel Lines                Seymour Reit         5.7      3.0
  208EN Ben and Me                        Robert Lawson        6.9      3.0
  305EN The Best-Laid Plans of Jonah Twi  Natalie Honeycutt    3.5      3.0
10212EN The Best School Year Ever         Barbara Robinson     5.4      3.0
  458EN Betsy and the Boys                Carolyn Haywood      3.7      3.0
  459EN Betsy's Busy Summer               Carolyn Haywood      3.7      3.0
    7EN Betsy-Tacy                        Maud Hart Lovelace   4.0      3.0
 5059EN Bingo Brown, Gypsy Lover          Betsy Byars          4.5      3.0
36570EN A Blizzard Year                   Gretel Ehrlich       5.4      3.0
 6906EN The Borning Room                  Paul Fleischman      5.0      3.0
  752EN Brian's Song                      William Blinn        5.1      3.0
  158EN The Cabin Faced West              Jean Fritz           5.1      3.0
   15EN Call It Courage                   Armstrong Sperry     6.2      3.0
  603EN Cat Walk                          Mary Stolz           4.3      3.0
13733EN Chelsey and the Green-Haired Kid  Carol Gorman         4.3      3.0
11582EN Cherokee Bat and the Goat Guys    Francesca Lia Bloc   5.0      3.0
 6308EN Chocolate-Covered Ants            Stephen Manes        3.1      3.0
  257EN Christina's Ghost                 Betty Ren Wright     4.1      3.0
  309EN Circle of Gold                    Candy Dawson Boyd    4.0      3.0
41782EN Cockroach Cooties                 Laurence Yep         3.7      3.0
  407EN The Cold and Hot Winter           Johanna Hurwitz      4.4      3.0
  311EN The Computer Nut                  Betsy Byars          3.8      3.0
 5969EN The Cookcamp                      Gary Paulsen         5.0      3.0
 6909EN Coverup                           Jay Bennett          2.8      3.0
11706EN The Crossing                      Gary Paulsen         5.8      3.0
 9548EN Crossing the Starlight Bridge     Alice Mead           4.3      3.0
29329EN Crush                             Ellen Conford        4.1      3.0
  411EN The Cybil War                     Betsy Byars          4.2      3.0
  754EN Dancing Carl                      Gary Paulsen         5.0      3.0
   24EN Dear Mr. Henshaw                  Beverly Cleary       4.9      3.0
 8516EN Devil's Bridge                    Cynthia DeFelice     4.7      3.0
  163EN Different Dragons                 Jean Little          3.7      3.0
35813EN The Disaster of the Hindenburg    Shelley Tanaka       5.9      3.0
  466EN Don't Call Me Toad!               Mary Francis Shura   4.9      3.0
  608EN Duel on the Diamond               Tommy Hallowell      4.4      3.0
54162EN Early Sunday Morning: The Pearl   Barry Denenberg      5.6      3.0
   26EN Eddie and Gardenia                Carolyn Haywood      3.8      3.0
   27EN Eddie and the Fire Engine         Carolyn Haywood      4.2      3.0
   28EN Eddie's Green Thumb               Carolyn Haywood      3.7      3.0
  563EN Edith Herself                     Ellen Howard         4.4      3.0
  564EN Exploring the Titanic             Robert D. Ballard    6.6      3.0
  565EN The Fairy Rebel                   Lynne Reid Banks     4.2      3.0
 5935EN Family Dinner                     Jane Cutler          4.4      3.0
  467EN The Family under the Bridge       Natalie Carlson      4.7      3.0
25230EN Faraway Summer                    Johanna Hurwitz      4.6      3.0
32047EN Flying Solo                       Ralph Fletcher       3.9      3.0
54512EN Football Nightmare                Christopher/Hirsch   4.7      3.0
 8566EN The Foxman                        Gary Paulsen         4.9      3.0
  414EN Fudge                             Charlotte Graeber    3.7      3.0
  223EN A Girl Called Al                  Constance C. Green   3.8      3.0
 5939EN The Glory Girl                    Betsy Byars          4.2      3.0
30833EN The Good Liar                     Gregory Maguire      5.1      3.0
12785EN Goodbye, Mr. Chips                James Hilton         6.5      3.0
 3975EN Gospel According to John (Bible-  NIV Student Editio   5.5      3.0
62004EN The Great Chicken Debacle         Phyllis Reynolds N   4.7      3.0
  225EN Groundhog's Horse                 Joyce Rockwood       4.3      3.0
  611EN Harry's Mad                       Dick King-Smith      4.8      3.0
  172EN Harvey's Horrible Snake Disaster  Eth Clifford         4.4      3.0
 6317EN Harvey's Wacky Parrot Adventure   Eth Clifford         4.3      3.0
  173EN Have You Seen Hyacinth Macaw?     Patricia Reilly Gi   3.6      3.0
  417EN Henry and Ribsy                   Beverly Cleary       4.6      3.0
   34EN Henry Huggins                     Beverly Cleary       4.7      3.0
14923EN Her Stories: African American Fo  Virginia Hamilton    4.6      3.0
  474EN Here Comes Zelda Claus...Holiday  Lynn Hall            4.6      3.0
 5368EN The Hockey Machine                Matt Christopher     4.8      3.0
  420EN Hooples on the Highway            Stephen Manes        4.3      3.0
  267EN The Hot and Cold Summer           Johanna Hurwitz      4.2      3.0
  613EN The House without a Christmas Tr  Gail Rock            4.9      3.0
11547EN I Had Seen Castles                Cynthia Rylant       5.7      3.0
11717EN I Hadn't Meant to Tell You This   Jacqueline Woodson   4.1      3.0
  270EN I Should Worry, I Should Care     Miriam Chaikin       3.7      3.0
  175EN If You Didn't Have Me             Ulf Nilsson          4.2      3.0
30669EN In the Beginning: Creation Stori  Virginia Hamilton    4.5      3.0
 7046EN Jacob's Rescue: A Holocaust Stor  Malka Drucker        4.5      3.0
  176EN Jennifer, Hecate, Macbeth,...and  E.L. Konigsburg      4.5      3.0
 6321EN Jim Ugly                          Sid Fleischman       4.3      3.0
  422EN The Joke War                      Gene Namovicz        4.0      3.0
  325EN Judge Benjamin: Superdog Gift     Judith McInerney     4.7      3.0
 6426EN Juliet Fisher and the Foolproof   Natalie Honeycutt    3.6      3.0
30692EN Just Juice                        Karen Hesse          3.8      3.0
  177EN Justin and the Best Biscuits in   Mildred Pitts Walt   3.9      3.0
  178EN The Kid in the Red Jacket         Barbara Park         3.9      3.0
  618EN Kidnapping Kevin Kowalski         Mary Jane Auch       3.5      3.0
 6326EN Kitty in High School              Judy Delton          4.8      3.0
  275EN Kitty in the Middle               Judy Delton          4.6      3.0
14596EN Later, Gator                      Laurence Yep         4.0      3.0
 7115EN The Legend of Sleepy Hollow       Washington Irving   11.0      3.0
  742EN Lilies of the Field               William Barrett      5.4      3.0
26763EN Lives of the Artists              Kathleen Krull       7.8      3.0
17370EN Lives of the Athletes: Thrills,   Kathleen Krull       7.9      3.0
 8473EN Lives of the Musicians            Kathleen Krull       6.9      3.0
14477EN Lives of the Writers              Kathleen Krull       7.2      3.0
34971EN Long-Arm Quarterback              Matt Christopher     4.7      3.0
  480EN The Magic of the Glits            C.S. Adler           5.5      3.0
  624EN Margaret's Moves                  Berniece Rabe        4.6      3.0
  625EN Me and the Terrible Two           Ellen Conford        4.2      3.0
16872EN A Message from the Match Girl     Janet Taylor Lisle   4.0      3.0
26736EN The Million Dollar Shot           Dan Gutman           4.2      3.0
 6673EN Missing May                       Cynthia Rylant       5.3      3.0
  279EN Mitzi's Honeymoon with Nana Pott  Barbara Williams     4.0      3.0
 6933EN The Monument                      Gary Paulsen         4.9      3.0
14877EN Moose Tracks                      Mary Casanova        4.7      3.0
  182EN The Mouse and the Motorcycle      Beverly Cleary       5.1      3.0
   58EN Mr. Popper's Penguins             Richard/Florence A   5.6      3.0
   63EN Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle                Betty MacDonald      5.2      3.0
  329EN My Brother Stevie                 Eleanor Clymer       4.1      3.0
10234EN My Dad's Definitely Not a Drunk!  Elisa Carbone        4.4      3.0
  378EN The Night Swimmers                Betsy Byars          4.3      3.0
43740EN Nzingha: Warrior Queen of Matamb  Patricia C. McKiss   5.6      3.0
10294EN Oddballs                          William Sleator      6.2      3.0
   65EN Old Mother West Wind              Thornton Burgess     5.2      3.0
 5222EN The Original Adventures of Hank   John R. Erickson     4.5      3.0
 5995EN Our Town                          Thornton Wilder      3.9      3.0
  680EN Owls in the Family                Farley Mowat         5.0      3.0
16641EN The Pagemaster                    Kirschner/Contrera   4.4      3.0
  242EN The Pinballs                      Betsy Byars          3.8      3.0
   71EN Rabbit Hill                       Robert Lawson        6.4      3.0
  336EN Ralph S. Mouse                    Beverly Cleary       5.1      3.0
   72EN Ramona and Her Father             Beverly Cleary       5.2      3.0
  134EN Ramona Quimby, Age 8              Beverly Cleary       5.6      3.0
  285EN Ramona the Brave                  Beverly Cleary       4.9      3.0
 6394EN Red-Dirt Jessie                   Anna Myers           4.2      3.0
  684EN Red-Hot Hightops                  Matt Christopher     4.2      3.0
31531EN Rewind                            William Sleator      4.1      3.0
27747EN Riding Freedom                    Pam Munoz Ryan       4.5      3.0
11736EN Rite of Passage                   Richard Wright       4.8      3.0
  494EN Romeo and Juliet Together (and A  Avi                  5.4      3.0
  782EN Rumble Fish                       S.E. Hinton          4.1      3.0
14884EN The School Mouse                  Dick King-Smith      5.0      3.0
14991EN See You Around, Sam!              Lois Lowry           4.4      3.0
10636EN Shape-Changer                     Bill Brittain        4.0      3.0
 8584EN Sharing Susan                     Eve Bunting          3.7      3.0
  638EN Shot from Midfield                Tommy Hallowell      4.0      3.0
 5243EN Sideways Stories from Wayside Sc  Louis Sachar         3.3      3.0
 8586EN Sing Me a Death Song              Jay Bennett          3.2      3.0
52617EN Skeleton Man                      Joseph Bruchac       4.8      3.0
  342EN Skinnybones                       Barbara Park         4.1      3.0
  441EN Snowbound with Betsy              Carolyn Haywood      3.7      3.0
17641EN So Far from Home: The Diary of M  Barry Denenberg      4.4      3.0
 5958EN Something Upstairs                Avi                  4.1      3.0
   84EN Sounder                           William H. Armstro   5.3      3.0
  292EN Soup and Me                       Robert Newton Peck   4.3      3.0
  343EN Soup on Ice                       Robert Newton Peck   4.7      3.0
  496EN Soup's Hoop                       Robert Newton Peck   4.4      3.0
  442EN Stage Fright                      Ann M. Martin        3.5      3.0
 5442EN Strider                           Beverly Cleary       4.8      3.0
  194EN Stuart Little                     E.B. White           6.0      3.0
  642EN Switcharound                      Lois Lowry           4.6      3.0
  791EN Tackle without a Team             Matt Christopher     4.1      3.0
  294EN Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing   Judy Blume           3.3      3.0
  346EN Teacher's Pet                     Johanna Hurwitz      4.7      3.0
  644EN The Thanksgiving Treasure         Gail Rock            5.0      3.0
  348EN Thatcher Payne-in-the-Neck        Betty Bates          4.6      3.0
45130EN The Tiger Rising                  Kate DiCamillo       4.0      3.0
 8593EN Toning the Sweep                  Angela Johnson       4.7      3.0
  195EN The Toothpaste Millionaire        Jean Merrill         5.0      3.0
  591EN Trouble River                     Betsy Byars          4.9      3.0
  648EN Tucker                            Tom Birdseye         4.3      3.0
 8594EN Tunes for Bears to Dance To       Robert Cormier       5.2      3.0
  199EN The TV Kid                        Betsy Byars          4.3      3.0
  296EN Two under Par                     Kevin Henkes         4.7      3.0
11450EN Undercover Tailback               Matt Christopher     4.1      3.0
14600EN Utterly Yours, Booker Jones       Betsy Duffey         4.0      3.0
16989EN Wagon Train 911                   Jamie Gilson         3.3      3.0
  298EN The War with Grandpa              Robert Kimmel Smit   3.9      3.0
11497EN Wayside School Gets a Little Str  Louis Sachar         3.3      3.0
 6346EN What Eric Knew                    James Howe           3.9      3.0
15819EN What Jamie Saw                    Carolyn Coman        5.4      3.0
35385EN What's the Deal? Jefferson, Napo  Rhoda Blumberg       9.5      3.0
 7167EN When Heroes Die                   Penny Durant         3.5      3.0
54790EN When Johnny Went Marching: Young  G. Clifton Wisler    8.7      3.0
17648EN When Will This Cruel War Be Over  Barry Denenberg      6.6      3.0
 5099EN Windcatcher                       Avi                  4.0      3.0
26721EN The Window                        Michael Dorris       5.2      3.0
  148EN Winnie-The-Pooh                   A.A. Milne           4.6      3.0
  398EN The Winter Room                   Gary Paulsen         5.0      3.0
  500EN The Witch of Fourth Street        Myron Levoy          4.8      3.0
10946EN The Wrecker                       David Skinner        3.9      3.0
 8550EN Yang the Youngest and His Terrib  Lensey Namioka       4.6      3.0
11500EN The Year the Wolves Came          Bebe Faas Rice       4.7      3.0
  450EN The Zebra Wall                    Kevin Henkes         4.8      3.0
  661EN The 18th Emergency                Betsy Byars          4.7      4.0
  166EN 4B Goes Wild                      Jamie Gilson         4.6      4.0
17602EN Across the Wide and Lonesome Pra  Kristiana Gregory    5.5      4.0
36046EN Adaline Falling Star              Mary Pope Osborne    4.6      4.0
  301EN Addie Across the Prairie          Laurie Lawlor        4.9      4.0
 6301EN Addie's Dakota Winter             Laurie Lawlor        4.6      4.0
  353EN Afternoon of the Elves            Janet Taylor Lisle   5.0      4.0
16873EN Anastasia, Absolutely             Lois Lowry           4.7      4.0
 6302EN Anastasia on Her Own              Lois Lowry           4.4      4.0
  354EN Anastasia's Chosen Career         Lois Lowry           4.5      4.0
  455EN Angel's Mother's Wedding          Judy Delton          5.0      4.0
29998EN Anna Is Still Here                Ida Vos              3.3      4.0
 5055EN Are You There God? It's Me, Marg  Judy Blume           3.6      4.0
36037EN Babe & Me                         Dan Gutman           4.3      4.0
  154EN A Bear Called Paddington          Michael Bond         4.7      4.0
  155EN Bella Arabella                    Liza Fosburgh        4.4      4.0
  104EN The Black Pearl                   Scott O'Dell         5.4      4.0
  555EN Black Star, Bright Dawn           Scott O'Dell         4.3      4.0
  461EN A Blossom Promise                 Betsy Byars          4.1      4.0
  306EN The Blossoms and the Green Phant  Betsy Byars          4.6      4.0
  307EN The Blossoms Meet the Vulture La  Betsy Byars          4.3      4.0
10248EN The Boys Start the War            Phyllis Reynolds N   4.6      4.0
10283EN Bringing Nettie Back              Nancy Hope Wilson    4.8      4.0
11544EN Buddy Love Now on Video           Ilene Cooper         4.2      4.0
  211EN The Burning Questions of Bingo B  Betsy Byars          4.1      4.0
  213EN The Cat Ate My Gymsuit            Paula Danziger       3.9      4.0
  108EN The Cay                           Theodore Taylor      5.3      4.0
10909EN Cheater, Cheater                  Elizabeth Levy       3.7      4.0
 8557EN The Chemo Kid                     Robert Lipsyte       4.1      4.0
10648EN Chicago Blues                     Julie Reece Deaver   4.0      4.0
 5968EN Circles                           Marilyn Sachs        4.5      4.0
  215EN Cracker Jackson                   Betsy Byars          4.2      4.0
14993EN Crash                             Jerry Spinelli       3.6      4.0
   22EN The Cricket in Times Square       George Selden        4.9      4.0
   23EN Daniel Boone                      James Daugherty      7.7      4.0
  359EN A Day No Pigs Would Die           Robert Newton Peck   4.4      4.0
39563EN Dear Mrs. Ryan, You're Ruining M  Jennifer B. Jones    4.5      4.0
  216EN Dirt Bike Racer                   Matt Christopher     4.0      4.0
  607EN A Dog Called Kitty                Bill Wallace         4.2      4.0
   25EN The Door in the Wall              Marguerite deAngel   6.2      4.0
39900EN Dork in Disguise                  Carol Gorman         4.2      4.0
  562EN Dr. Dredd's Wagon of Wonders      Bill Brittain        4.6      4.0
18762EN Dreams in the Golden Country: Th  Kathryn Lasky        4.5      4.0
13756EN Earthquake Terror                 Peg Kehret           4.6      4.0
45681EN Einstein: Visionary Scientist     John B. Severance    9.0      4.0
53562EN Fair Weather                      Richard Peck         4.7      4.0
  261EN Ferret in the Bedroom, Lizards i  Bill Wallace         4.4      4.0
 6314EN Fifth Grade Magic                 Beatrice Gormley     4.5      4.0
  566EN The Fighting Ground               Avi                  4.2      4.0
 5012EN The First Four Years              Laura Ingalls Wild   5.8      4.0
  468EN Fog Magic                         Julia Sauer          6.1      4.0
58893EN Four Perfect Pebbles: A Holocaus  Perl/Lazan           7.3      4.0
  218EN The Fox Steals Home               Matt Christopher     4.5      4.0
 5067EN Freaky Friday                     Mary Rodgers         4.4      4.0
25963EN Full Steam Ahead: The Race to Bu  Rhoda Blumberg       8.5      4.0
  219EN Gaffer Samson's Luck              Jill Paton Walsh     4.7      4.0
  567EN Good-Bye, My Wishing Star         Vicki Grove          5.2      4.0
 3974EN Gospel According to Luke (Bible-  NIV Student Editio   6.2      4.0
 3972EN Gospel According to Matthew (Bib  NIV Student Editio   6.1      4.0
  264EN The Great Ideas of Lila Fenwick   Kate McMullan        4.8      4.0
43405EN Haunting at Home Plate            David Patneaude      4.0      4.0
  265EN Hello, My Name Is Scrambled Eggs  Jamie Gilson         4.0      4.0
  266EN Henry and Beezus                  Beverly Cleary       4.6      4.0
  418EN Henry and the Clubhouse           Beverly Cleary       5.1      4.0
  663EN Henry and the Paper Route         Beverly Cleary       5.3      4.0
  569EN Here at the Scenic-Vu Motel       Thelma Hatch Wyss    4.4      4.0
28548EN Heroes                            Robert Cormier       5.9      4.0
30502EN Hide and Seek                     Ida Vos              3.6      4.0
   39EN Homer Price                       Robert McCloskey     6.6      4.0
  419EN The Hooples' Horrible Holiday     Stephen Manes        4.2      4.0
  664EN The House on Hackman's Hill       Joan Lowery Nixon    4.6      4.0
10947EN How I Changed My Life             Todd Strasser        4.0      4.0
  321EN I'm Going to Be Famous            Tom Birdseye         3.7      4.0
  666EN Ida Early Comes over the Mountai  Robert Burch         4.8      4.0
11718EN If I Asked You, Would You Stay?   Eve Bunting          3.9      4.0
  768EN If Winter Comes                   Lynn Hall            6.4      4.0
25181EN If You Come Softly                Jacqueline Woodson   4.0      4.0
  229EN In the Year of the Boar and Jack  Bette Bao Lord       4.6      4.0
  769EN Is Anybody There?                 Eve Bunting          3.9      4.0
  323EN Isabelle Shows Her Stuff          Constance C. Green   3.8      4.0
 5274EN It's Not the End of the World     Judy Blume           3.4      4.0
40653EN Jackie & Me                       Dan Gutman           4.3      4.0
  232EN James and the Giant Peach         Roald Dahl           4.8      4.0
  233EN A Jar of Dreams                   Yoshiko Uchida       5.0      4.0
  272EN Jelly Belly                       Robert Kimmel Smit   4.1      4.0
 5072EN The Josie Gambit                  Mary Francis Shura   4.8      4.0
32209EN The Journal of Ben Uchida         Barry Denenberg      5.2      4.0
50162EN The Journal of Biddy Owens: The   Walter Dean Myers    5.2      4.0
55208EN The Journal of Douglas Allen Dee  Rodman Philbrick     5.7      4.0
31189EN The Journal of Joshua Loper: A B  Walter Dean Myers    5.0      4.0
44832EN The Journal of Otto Peltonen, a   William Durbin       6.0      4.0
34709EN The Journal of Scott Pendleton C  Walter Dean Myers    5.0      4.0
27945EN The Journal of William Thomas Em  Barry Denenberg      5.6      4.0
 5073EN Journey Home                      Yoshiko Uchida       5.3      4.0
17627EN A Journey to the New World: The   Kathryn Lasky        6.0      4.0
  616EN Julia's Mending                   Kathy Lynn Emerson   5.1      4.0
10907EN Just a Little Ham                 Joan Carris          4.3      4.0
   50EN Katie John                        Mary Calhoun         4.2      4.0
  617EN Kid Power Strikes Back            Susan Beth Pfeffer   4.6      4.0
 9987EN Knee Holes                        Jerome Brooks        5.8      4.0
24962EN The Library Card                  Jerry Spinelli       4.3      4.0
32207EN A Light in the Storm: The Civil   Karen Hesse          5.3      4.0
24989EN Lives of the Presidents           Kathleen Krull       8.2      4.0
 9985EN Lombardo's Law                    Ellen Wittlinger     4.5      4.0
11478EN The Magnificent Mummy Maker       Elvira Woodruff      4.9      4.0
 6330EN Make Way for Sam Houston          Jean Fritz           7.0      4.0
  483EN The Midnight Fox                  Betsy Byars          4.9      4.0
 5946EN The Mind Trap                     G. Clifton Wisler    4.2      4.0
  745EN The Miracle Worker                William Gibson       5.2      4.0
64750EN Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: The   Barry Denenberg      6.0      4.0
  126EN Miss Hickory                      Carolyn Sherwin Ba   5.9      4.0
   60EN Misty of Chincoteague             Marguerite Henry     5.3      4.0
27956EN Monsters in Cyberspace            Dian Curtis Regan    4.5      4.0
10134EN Murder in a Pig's Eye             Lynn Hall            5.5      4.0
 6934EN My Darling, My Hamburger          Paul Zindel          5.0      4.0
  281EN My Friend the Vampire             Angela Sommer-Bode   4.2      4.0
 9956EN My Name Is Brain Brian            Jeanne Betancourt    4.3      4.0
 5077EN My Name Is Not Angelica           Scott O'Dell         4.8      4.0
44821EN My Secret War: The World War II   Mary Pope Osborne    5.5      4.0
 5279EN Night                             Elie Wiesel          4.8      4.0
44715EN Night Flying                      Rita Murphy          4.7      4.0
  628EN Night of the Twisters             Ivy Ruckman          4.7      4.0
10911EN Nora: Maybe a Ghost Story         Constance C. Green   4.2      4.0
  240EN The Not-Just-Anybody Family       Betsy Byars          4.6      4.0
 7014EN Nothing but the Truth             Avi                  3.6      4.0
  185EN Nothing's Fair in Fifth Grade     Barthe deClements    3.7      4.0
  379EN Number the Stars                  Lois Lowry           4.5      4.0
  331EN Nutty Can't Miss                  Dean Hughes          4.7      4.0
  283EN Nutty for President               Dean Hughes          4.8      4.0
 8665EN Of Mice and Men                   John Steinbeck       4.5      4.0
  332EN Oh, Brother                       Johnniece Wilson     3.9      4.0
 5994EN The Old Man and the Sea           Ernest Hemingway     5.1      4.0
  284EN Oliver Dibbs to the Rescue!       Barbara Steiner      4.0      4.0
 5078EN The Ordinary Princess             M.M. Kaye            6.4      4.0
  488EN Otherwise Known as Sheila the Gr  Judy Blume           3.5      4.0
14996EN Out of the Dark                   Betty Ren Wright     4.8      4.0
10291EN Panther Glade                     Helen Cavanagh       4.6      4.0
14897EN Past Forgiving                    Gloria D. Miklowit   3.5      4.0
 7119EN The Pearl                         John Steinbeck       7.1      4.0
  131EN Philip Hall Likes Me. I Reckon M  Bette Greene         5.0      4.0
   69EN Pippi Longstocking                Astrid Lindgren      5.2      4.0
14795EN Poppy                             Avi                  4.5      4.0
16836EN The President Has Been Shot!      Rebecca C. Jones     6.9      4.0
 6339EN The Princess in the Pigpen        Jane Resh Thomas     4.9      4.0
14878EN Quake!                            Joe Cottonwood       4.0      4.0
  682EN Quentin Corn                      Mary Stolz           4.8      4.0
11734EN A Question of Trust               Marion Dane Bauer    5.1      4.0
53696EN The Rag and Bone Shop             Robert Cormier       5.7      4.0
  491EN Ramona and Her Mother             Beverly Cleary       4.8      4.0
  186EN Ramona Forever                    Beverly Cleary       4.8      4.0
32142EN Ramona's World                    Beverly Cleary       4.8      4.0
  492EN Ramona the Pest                   Beverly Cleary       5.1      4.0
  493EN Remember Me to Harold Square      Paula Danziger       4.3      4.0
   74EN The Rescuers                      Margery Sharp        6.3      4.0
11437EN Return of the Home Run Kid        Matt Christopher     4.7      4.0
 5951EN The Righteous Revenge of Artemis  Walter Dean Myers    5.4      4.0
 7023EN The River                         Gary Paulsen         5.5      4.0
 5081EN Roots in the Outfield             Jane Zirpoli         3.7      4.0
 6396EN Rosemary's Witch                  Ann Turner           4.1      4.0
10139EN Saturnalia                        Paul Fleischman      6.4      4.0
  188EN The Search for Grissi             Mary Francis Shura   5.0      4.0
14144EN Search for the Shadowman          Joan Lowery Nixon    4.9      4.0
  637EN The Secret Language               Urusula Nordstrom    4.1      4.0
10908EN The Secret of Sanctuary Island    A.M. Monson          4.4      4.0
 5290EN Seven Days to a Brand-New Me      Ellen Conford        4.9      4.0
 5440EN Shiloh                            Phyllis Reynolds N   4.4      4.0
 5085EN Shoebag                           Mary James           4.7      4.0
57144EN Shoeless Joe and Me               Dan Gutman           4.3      4.0
 8689EN The Shuteyes                      Mary James           4.5      4.0
  244EN Sing Down the Moon                Scott O'Dell         4.9      4.0
  245EN Sixth Grade Can Really Kill You   Barthe deClements    4.3      4.0
  581EN Sixth-Grade Sleepover             Eve Bunting          4.2      4.0
 5335EN Slake's Limbo                     Felice Holman        6.4      4.0
  788EN Someone Is Hiding on Alcatraz Is  Eve Bunting          4.1      4.0
 6043EN Sorrow's Kitchen: Zora Neale Hur  Mary E. Lyons        6.9      4.0
 7880EN The Soul of the Silver Dog        Lynn Hall            6.0      4.0
25224EN Standing in the Light: The Capti  Mary Pope Osborne    5.1      4.0
44593EN Stealing Thunder                  Mary Casanova        4.6      4.0
 5088EN Sticks and Stones and Skeleton B  Jamie Gilson         4.1      4.0
11550EN A Stranger Here                   Thelma Hatch Wyss    4.4      4.0
41632EN Stuck in Neutral                  Terry Trueman        5.7      4.0
 8589EN A Sudden Silence                  Eve Bunting          4.0      4.0
 6693EN The Summer I Shrank My Grandmoth  Elvira Woodruff      4.7      4.0
12381EN The Summer of the Bonepile Monst  Aileen Henderson     5.0      4.0
   87EN The Summer of the Swans           Betsy Byars          4.9      4.0
  443EN Superfudge                        Judy Blume           3.4      4.0
47667EN Surviving Hitler: A Boy in the N  Andrea Warren        6.1      4.0
 6943EN Taking Sides                      Gary Soto            4.4      4.0
10233EN A Taste of Smoke                  Marion Dane Bauer    5.2      4.0
12489EN Tears of a Tiger                  Sharon Draper        4.3      4.0
  690EN The Ten-Speed Babysitter          Alison Cragin Herz   3.3      4.0
11541EN Thames Doesn't Rhyme with James   Paula Danziger       4.1      4.0
  645EN Theo Zephyr                       Dean Hughes          3.9      4.0
 5090EN There's a Bat in Bunk Five        Paula Danziger       3.8      4.0
  793EN Thin Air                          David Getz           3.8      4.0
  692EN Thirteen Ways to Sink a Sub       Jamie Gilson         5.2      4.0
  587EN This Island Isn't Big Enough for  Gery Greer           4.6      4.0
  588EN This Place Has No Atmosphere      Paula Danziger       4.3      4.0
  498EN Tight End                         Matt Christopher     4.3      4.0
 5338EN Tiltawhirl John                   Gary Paulsen         5.0      4.0
  589EN Toothpick                         Kenneth Ethridge     5.2      4.0
  694EN Tough-Luck Karen                  Johanna Hurwitz      4.8      4.0
17795EN Treasures in the Dust             Tracey Porter        5.3      4.0
  198EN The Trouble with Tuck             Theodore Taylor      5.5      4.0
18843EN The True Colors of Caitlynne Jac  Carol Lynch Willia   3.5      4.0
  247EN Tuck Everlasting                  Natalie Babbitt      5.0      4.0
 9965EN Uncle Vampire                     Cynthia D. Grant     3.6      4.0
 8596EN Until Whatever                    Martha Humphreys     3.6      4.0
  297EN Veronica Ganz                     Marilyn Sachs        4.9      4.0
  595EN The Village by the Sea            Paula Fox            4.7      4.0
 7027EN Walkabout                         James Marshall       5.9      4.0
 5095EN Wanted...Mud Blossom              Betsy Byars          4.2      4.0
 5247EN Wayside School Is Falling Down    Louis Sachar         3.4      4.0
 5297EN Weasel                            Cynthia DeFelice     5.0      4.0
 5096EN West from Home                    Laura Ingalls Wild   5.7      4.0
10257EN Western Wind                      Paula Fox            4.7      4.0
 8599EN Where'd You Get the Gun, Billy?   Fran Arrick          4.5      4.0
 6045EN White Peak Farm                   Berlie Doherty       5.2      4.0
  599EN Who Knew There'd Be Ghosts?       Bill Brittain        4.5      4.0
  300EN The Winged Colt of Casa Mia       Betsy Byars          4.6      4.0
12493EN The Winning Stroke                Matt Christopher     4.9      4.0
10225EN Winter Camp                       Kirkpatrick Hill     5.0      4.0
17650EN The Winter of Red Snow: The Revo  Kristiana Gregory    5.5      4.0
  650EN The Winter Worm Business          Patricia Reilly Gi   3.7      4.0
  499EN The Wish Giver                    Bill Brittain        4.4      4.0
 6949EN Wonder                            Rachel Vail          4.6      4.0
44671EN A Year Down Yonder                Richard Peck         4.5      4.0
  449EN Yours Turly, Shirley              Ann M. Martin        3.8      4.0
  250EN Zeely                             Virginia Hamilton    4.6      4.0
  700EN Zucchini                          Barbara Dana         3.9      4.0
54088EN About the B'nai Bagels            E.L. Konigsburg      4.7      5.0
 8501EN Addie's Long Summer               Laurie Lawlor        4.0      5.0
 8551EN After the Bomb                    Gloria D. Miklowit   4.4      5.0
17801EN After the War                     Carol Matas          4.9      5.0
  201EN The Agony of Alice                Phyllis Reynolds N   5.3      5.0
 5051EN Alan and Naomi                    Myron Levoy          3.3      5.0
 5339EN Aliens Ate My Homework            Bruce Coville        4.8      5.0
    2EN All-of-a-Kind Family              Sydney Taylor        4.9      5.0
  151EN Along Came a Dog                  Meindert deJong      5.7      5.0
17752EN Alphabet City Ballet              Erika Tamar          4.0      5.0
29501EN Among the Hidden                  Margaret Peterson    4.8      5.0
    3EN Amos Fortune, Free Man            Elizabeth Yates      6.5      5.0
 5053EN Anastasia Again!                  Lois Lowry           4.5      5.0
  454EN Anastasia at Your Service         Lois Lowry           4.3      5.0
44806EN Anastasia: The Last Grand Duches  Carolyn Meyer        5.8      5.0
  727EN Animal Farm                       George Orwell        7.3      5.0
 6031EN Anything to Win                   Gloria D. Miklowit   4.6      5.0
15810EN The Apprenticeship of Lucas Whit  Cynthia DeFelice     5.2      5.0
17259EN Ash                               Lisa Rowe Fraustin   5.2      5.0
11702EN Autumn of the Royal Tar           Bruce Stone          4.9      5.0
 7002EN Babyface                          Norma Fox Mazer      3.7      5.0
28483EN Back of Beyond: Stories of the S  Sarah Ellis          4.2      5.0
  552EN Beauty                            Bill Wallace         4.0      5.0
  356EN Beetles, Lightly Toasted          Phyllis Reynolds N   5.7      5.0
  209EN Berries Goodman                   Emily Cheney Nevil   4.4      5.0
 6304EN Black Suits from Outer Space      Gene DeWeese         5.4      5.0
   10EN The Borrowers                     Mary Norton          5.3      5.0
 6032EN The Boy in the Moon               Ron Koertge          4.3      5.0
  751EN The Boy Who Drank Too Much        Shep Greene          3.6      5.0
 6907EN The Brave                         Robert Lipsyte       4.2      5.0
 6306EN The Bread Winner                  Arvella Whitmore     4.1      5.0
 7004EN Breaking Out                      Barthe deClements    4.4      5.0
11704EN Brian's Winter                    Gary Paulsen         5.9      5.0
  526EN The Bridge of San Luis Rey        Thornton Wilder      7.1      5.0
   11EN Bridge to Terabithia              Katherine Paterson   4.6      5.0
 6386EN The Bridges of Summer             Brenda Seabrooke     4.1      5.0
  357EN Building Blocks                   Cynthia Voigt        4.2      5.0
 5914EN Cages                             Peg Kehret           4.5      5.0
30839EN Can You Feel the Thunder?         Lynn E. McElfresh    4.0      5.0
52302EN The Canterbury Tales              Chaucer/McCaughrea   7.7      5.0
 6033EN Canyons                           Gary Paulsen         5.5      5.0
  602EN Carrots and Miggle                Ardath Mayhar        5.5      5.0
12396EN The Cave                          Kathleen Karr        4.2      5.0
   18EN Centerburg Tales                  Robert McCloskey     6.0      5.0
   20EN Charlie and the Chocolate Factor  Roald Dahl           4.8      5.0
 5063EN Charlie and the Great Glass Elev  Roald Dahl           4.4      5.0
   19EN Charlotte's Web                   EB White             4.4      5.0
55193EN Christmas After All: The Diary o  Kathryn Lasky        5.4      5.0
44702EN A Christmas Carol (Unabridged)    Charles Dickens      6.7      5.0
  753EN Cold as Ice                       Elizabeth Levy       3.8      5.0
35834EN Color Me Dark: The Diary of Nell  Patricia C. McKiss   4.9      5.0
 5262EN The Contender                     Robert Lipsyte       4.5      5.0
 8513EN Crazy Lady!                       Jane Leslie Conly    3.8      5.0
  734EN The Crucible                      Arthur Miller        4.9      5.0
11707EN The Cry of the Wolf               Melvin Burgess       6.2      5.0
44857EN Cut                               Patricia McCormick   4.6      5.0
10766EN Daniel's Story                    Carol Matas          4.9      5.0
 8559EN Dead Water Zone                   Kenneth Oppel        4.4      5.0
 5980EN Death of a Salesman               Arthur Miller        6.2      5.0
44234EN Deep-Sea Explorer: The Story of   Rick Archbold        7.9      5.0
10255EN The Deer Stand                    A.M. Monson          3.8      5.0
10888EN Deliver Us from Evie              M.E. Kerr            4.1      5.0
  561EN Desdemona-Twelve Going on Desper  Beverly Keller       5.0      5.0
  164EN A Dog on Barkham Street           Mary Stolz           4.6      5.0
  360EN Dogsong                           Gary Paulsen         5.2      5.0
  258EN The Dollhouse Murders             Betty Ren Wright     4.3      5.0
 5263EN Don't Rent My Room!               Judie Angell         3.6      5.0
61267EN Double Fudge                      Judy Blume           3.6      5.0
  758EN Downwind                          Louise Moeri         5.6      5.0
  531EN Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde           Robert Louis Steve   9.5      5.0
10271EN Dragon's Bait                     Vivian Vande Velde   5.9      5.0
64748EN Eleanor: Crown Jewel of Aquitain  Kristiana Gregory    5.7      5.0
 7858EN Emmy                              Connie Green         5.1      5.0
  362EN The Eternal Spring of Mr. Ito     Shelia Garrigue      4.2      5.0
48071EN Everything on a Waffle            Polly Horvath        5.8      5.0
20110EN The Facts Speak for Themselves    Brock Cole           3.6      5.0
11464EN The Fear Place                    Phyllis Reynolds N   5.4      5.0
10115EN Fear the Condor                   David Nelson Blair   4.3      5.0
17770EN Finding Walter                    Ann Turner           4.5      5.0
14814EN Forged by Fire                    Sharon Draper        4.7      5.0
 5331EN Freak the Mighty (The Mighty)     Rodman Philbrick     5.5      5.0
47850EN Freewill                          Chris Lynch          3.8      5.0
  364EN Friedrich                         Hans Peter Richter   4.7      5.0
   29EN From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs.   E.L. Konigsburg      4.7      5.0
  167EN Frozen Fire                       James Houston        4.9      5.0
  221EN A Gathering of Days               Joan W. Blos         6.7      5.0
12462EN Gemini Game                       Michael Scott        5.9      5.0
26732EN The Ghost of Fossil Glen          Cynthia DeFelice     4.9      5.0
32208EN The Girl Who Chased Away Sorrow:  Ann Turner           5.1      5.0
  764EN Good-Bye Tomorrow                 Gloria D. Miklowit   4.3      5.0
   32EN The Good Master                   Kate Seredy          4.4      5.0
  116EN The Great Gilly Hopkins           Katherine Paterson   4.6      5.0
31190EN The Great Railroad Race: The Dia  Kristiana Gregory    5.7      5.0
  471EN Half Magic                        Edward Eager         5.0      5.0
 5332EN Harris and Me                     Gary Paulsen         5.7      5.0
 6983EN Heartbeat                         Norma Fox Mazer      3.6      5.0
35670EN Homeless Bird                     Gloria Whelan        5.3      5.0
  614EN I Be Somebody                     Hadley Irwin         4.3      5.0
17624EN I Thought My Soul Would Rise and  Joyce Hansen         5.0      5.0
 7045EN Ice Warrior                       Ruth Riddell         4.6      5.0
 9556EN If It Hadn't Been for Yoon Jun    Marie G. Lee         5.2      5.0
  230EN The Incredible Journey            Sheila Burnford      7.6      5.0
  476EN Invisible Lissa                   Natalie Honeycutt    4.4      5.0
 7875EN The Invisible Thread              Yoshiko Uchida       6.5      5.0
41554EN Isabel: Jewel of Castilla         Carolyn Meyer        6.6      5.0
   46EN It's Like This, Cat               Emily Cheney Nevil   4.7      5.0
41245EN Jade Green: A Ghost Story         Phyllis Reynolds N   5.8      5.0
64749EN Jahanara: Princess of Princesses  Kathryn Lasky        6.0      5.0
29525EN Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key      Jack Gantos          4.9      5.0
44831EN The Journal of Augustus Pelletie  Kathryn Lasky        5.6      5.0
58031EN The Journal of C. J. Jackson: A   William Durbin       5.7      5.0
42452EN The Journal of Jasper Jonathan P  Ann Rinaldi          4.9      5.0
32210EN The Journal of Sean Sullivan      William Durbin       5.9      5.0
  234EN Journey Outside                   Mary Steele          5.7      5.0
 7853EN Jumping the Nail                  Eve Bunting          3.8      5.0
  235EN Justin Morgan Had a Horse         Marguerite Henry     5.8      5.0
  274EN Kevin Corbett Eats Flies          Patricia Hermes      3.6      5.0
   51EN King of the Wind                  Marguerite Henry     5.4      5.0
16917EN The Last Man's Reward             David Patneaude      4.2      5.0
10933EN The Last Safe Place on Earth      Richard Peck         4.4      5.0
10296EN Learning by Heart                 Ronder Young         4.0      5.0
 6328EN The Legend of Jimmy Spoon         Kristiana Gregory    5.0      5.0
 7011EN Letters from Atlantis             Robert Silverberg    7.0      5.0
26634EN Letters from the Inside           John Marsden         4.7      5.0
  122EN The Light in the Forest           Conrad Richter       5.5      5.0
17781EN Lily's Crossing                   Patricia Reilly Gi   4.6      5.0
  238EN Lincoln: A Photobiography         Russell Freedman     7.7      5.0
 8574EN Linger                            M.E. Kerr            4.7      5.0
  743EN Lisa Bright and Dark              John Neufeld         4.6      5.0
  179EN Little House in the Big Woods     Laura Ingalls Wild   5.3      5.0
  277EN Lizard Music                      Daniel Manus Pinkw   4.9      5.0
27940EN A Long Way from Chicago           Richard Peck         5.0      5.0
 6929EN Loving Someone Else               Ellen Conford        4.4      5.0
 6329EN The Magic Hat of Mortimer Winter  Myron Levoy          4.2      5.0
 9466EN Make Lemonade                     Virginia Euwer Wol   5.0      5.0
  482EN The Maldonado Miracle             Theodore Taylor      4.5      5.0
 7679EN Mama, Let's Dance                 Patricia Hermes      3.9      5.0
 5075EN Maniac Magee                      Jerry Spinelli       4.7      5.0
  674EN Me, Mop, and the Moondance Kid    Walter Dean Myers    3.9      5.0
10236EN Me, My Sister and I               Mary Elizabeth Rya   4.5      5.0
  571EN The Mermaid Summer                Mollie Hunter        6.1      5.0
 6333EN Merry Christmas, Miss McConnell!  Colleen O'Shaughne   5.6      5.0
 5076EN Middle School Blues               Lou Kassem           3.7      5.0
  774EN Missing                           James Duffy          4.2      5.0
 5277EN Missing since Monday              Ann M. Martin        4.3      5.0
 6932EN Monkey See. Monkey Do.            Barthe deClements    4.1      5.0
29945EN Monster                           Walter Dean Myers    5.1      5.0
36031EN The Moonlight Man                 Betty Ren Wright     4.7      5.0
48129EN Mop, Moondance, and the Nagasaki  Walter Dean Myers    4.1      5.0
 5278EN The Mouse Rap                     Walter Dean Myers    5.3      5.0
  627EN Mr. Mysterious & Company          Sid Fleischman       4.7      5.0
  574EN My Daniel                         Pam Conrad           4.7      5.0
31191EN My Heart Is on the Ground: The D  Ann Rinaldi          4.3      5.0
28793EN My Life as a Fifth-Grade Comedia  Elizabeth Levy       3.6      5.0
 6689EN My Name Is San Ho                 Jayne Pettit         6.0      5.0
10906EN Never Say Quit                    Bill Wallace         4.1      5.0
 6675EN The Night the Whole Class Slept   Stella Pevsner       5.3      5.0
54517EN No More Nasty                     Amy MacDonald        4.6      5.0
36700EN Nory Ryan's Song                  Patricia Reilly Gi   4.3      5.0
   66EN Old Yeller                        Fred Gipson          5.0      5.0
  333EN Oliver Dibbs and the Dinosaur Ca  Barbara Steiner      4.3      5.0
10949EN Othello                           Julius Lester        5.2      5.0
 5079EN Out from This Place               Joyce Hansen         4.6      5.0
 8578EN Out of Control                    Norma Fox Mazer      4.0      5.0
 7160EN Overkill                          Alane Ferguson       4.3      5.0
20090EN P.S. Longer Letter Later          Danziger/Martin      4.5      5.0
  382EN Park's Quest                      Katherine Paterson   4.2      5.0
  489EN Peter and Veronica                Marilyn Sachs        4.6      5.0
  575EN Pick of the Litter                Mary Jane Auch       4.2      5.0
17636EN A Picture of Freedom: The Diary   Patricia C. McKiss   4.6      5.0
61467EN Pictures of Hollis Woods          Patricia Reilly Gi   4.4      5.0
 6936EN The Pigman & Me                   Paul Zindel          5.6      5.0
  576EN The Pike River Phantom            Betty Ren Wright     4.4      5.0
 5282EN Pistachio Prescription            Paula Danziger       3.8      5.0
10238EN Poor Girl, Rich Girl              Johnniece Wilson     4.9      5.0
  633EN Popcorn                           Gary/Gail Provost    4.2      5.0
48512EN The Power of UN                   Nancy Etchemendy     4.8      5.0
  490EN Prairie Songs                     Pam Conrad           5.3      5.0
  133EN Queenie Peavy                     Robert Burch         5.6      5.0
34705EN Raptor                            Paul Zindel          5.1      5.0
  383EN The Return of the Indian          Lynne Reid Banks     4.6      5.0
 5952EN River Runners                     James Houston        5.7      5.0
10138EN Robin's Country                   Monica Furlong       6.5      5.0
 5082EN A Royal Pain                      Ellen Conford        4.7      5.0
  783EN The Seance                        Joan Lowery Nixon    4.7      5.0
11580EN A Season for Goodbye              Lurlene McDaniel     4.4      5.0
   79EN Secret of the Andes               Ann Nolan Clark      4.7      5.0
 5044EN The Secret of the Indian          Lynne Reid Banks     5.2      5.0
52606EN Seeds of Hope: The Gold Rush Dia  Kristiana Gregory    5.5      5.0
43411EN Send One Angel Down               Virginia F. Schwar   4.2      5.0
  784EN Sex Education                     Jenny Davis          4.6      5.0
   80EN Shadow of a Bull                  Maia Wojciechowska   5.2      5.0
14962EN Shadow of the Red Moon            Walter Dean Myers    4.4      5.0
   81EN Shadrach                          Meindert DeJong      4.9      5.0
13758EN Shiloh Season                     Phyllis Reynolds N   4.8      5.0
 8585EN Show Me the Evidence              Alane Ferguson       4.8      5.0
  138EN The Sign of the Beaver            Elizabeth George S   4.9      5.0
29535EN Sirena                            Donna Jo Napoli      3.9      5.0
61228EN Six Days in October: The Stock M  Karen Blumenthal     7.9      5.0
 5086EN Sixth Grade Secrets               Louis Sachar         3.7      5.0
  787EN Snow Bound                        Harry Mazer          4.7      5.0
   85EN Snow Treasure                     Marie McSwigan       5.3      5.0
 6690EN Sojourner Truth: Ain't I a Woman  Patricia C. McKiss   7.0      5.0
10143EN The Solitary                      Lynn Hall            6.1      5.0
59355EN Sondok: Princess of the Moon and  Sheri Holman         6.6      5.0
 7200EN The Spirit House                  William Sleator      4.6      5.0
27526EN Stay! Keeper's Story              Lois Lowry           6.4      5.0
20137EN The Storyteller's Beads           Jane Kurtz           4.8      5.0
  790EN A Summer to Die                   Lois Lowry           5.3      5.0
 6694EN Susanna Siegelbaum Gives Up Guys  June Foley           4.0      5.0
  641EN Sweetgrass                        Jan Hudson           4.2      5.0
  643EN Taking Care of Terrific           Lois Lowry           5.3      5.0
 7025EN Tall Enough to Own the World      Berniece Rabe        4.5      5.0
 5337EN Tall, Thin, and Blonde            Dyan Sheldon         4.1      5.0
 7038EN Taste of Salt                     Frances Temple       4.2      5.0
  585EN Ten Kids, No Pets                 Ann M. Martin        4.4      5.0
  792EN That Was Then, This Is Now        S.E. Hinton          4.6      5.0
  349EN There's a Boy in the Girls' Bath  Louis Sachar         3.4      5.0
 6945EN There's a Girl in My Hammerlock   Jerry Spinelli       3.5      5.0
   88EN Thimble Summer                    Elizabeth Enright    5.7      5.0
52627EN Three Days                        Donna Jo Napoli      3.9      5.0
48343EN Through the Lock                  Carol Otis Hurst     4.1      5.0
 9469EN Timothy of the Cay                Theodore Taylor      5.0      5.0
14854EN Titanic Crossing                  Barbara Williams     4.3      5.0
40148EN To Touch the Stars: A Story of W  Karen Zeinert        6.7      5.0
 5091EN Trapped in Death Cave             Bill Wallace         4.2      5.0
36568EN The Trolls                        Polly Horvath        5.4      5.0
  248EN Tucker's Countryside              George Selden        4.9      5.0
 6947EN Unfinished Portrait of Jessica    Richard Peck         4.9      5.0
 5094EN The Voyage of the Frog            Gary Paulsen         6.0      5.0
25892EN Voyage on the Great Titanic: The  Ellen Emerson Whit   6.5      5.0
  596EN Wait Till Helen Comes             Mary Downing Hahn    4.6      5.0
10147EN Walking the Rim                   Susan Hart Lindqui   5.0      5.0
  795EN The War Between the Classes       Gloria D. Miklowit   4.6      5.0
64754EN When Christmas Comes Again: The   Beth Seidel Levine   5.8      5.0
  796EN When the Phone Rang               Harry Mazer          3.3      5.0
11746EN When the Tripods Came             John Christopher     5.2      5.0
10272EN Where Do I Go from Here?          Valerie Wesley       4.8      5.0
 6347EN Which Way Freedom?                Joyce Hansen         4.5      5.0
10235EN Who Is Eddie Leonard?             Harry Mazer          3.2      5.0
   97EN The Willow Whistle                Cornelia Meigs       6.8      5.0
 9968EN Winners and Losers                Stephen Hoffius      4.3      5.0
 6448EN The Witches                       Roald Dahl           4.7      5.0
  797EN With You and Without You          Ann M. Martin        4.1      5.0
 6948EN A Woman of Her Tribe              Margaret Robinson    4.5      5.0
 6950EN Woodsong                          Gary Paulsen         5.6      5.0
17800EN Wringer                           Jerry Spinelli       4.5      5.0
10284EN You Bet Your Life                 Julie Reece Deaver   4.2      5.0
  800EN You've Been Away All Summer       Sheila Hayes         4.2      5.0
14499EN Youn Hee & Me                     C.S. Adler           4.6      5.0
 5300EN Zia                               Scott O'Dell         5.1      5.0
 5252EN Ace Hits the Big Time             Barbara Murphy       4.2      6.0
 5052EN Alice in Rapture, Sort Of         Phyllis Reynolds N   4.9      6.0
 6903EN Amazing Gracie                    A.E. Cannon          3.8      6.0
 5255EN And One for All                   Theresa Nelson       5.2      6.0
41551EN Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal S  Louise Rennison      5.1      6.0
 5257EN Are You in the House Alone?       Richard Peck         4.9      6.0
 7001EN Arly                              Robert Newton Peck   4.4      6.0
 7176EN Ask Me Something Easy             Natalie Honeycutt    4.6      6.0
 5929EN Athletic Shorts                   Chris Crutcher       6.0      6.0
  206EN Baby-sitting Is a Dangerous Job   Willo Davis Robert   5.3      6.0
 9997EN Backfield Package                 Thomas J. Dygard     5.8      6.0
    6EN Bambi                             Felix Salten         4.9      6.0
 5056EN The Basement Baseball Club        Jeffrey Kelly        4.8      6.0
10232EN The Battle for the Castle         Elizabeth Winthrop   4.4      6.0
32560EN The Beaded Moccasins: The Story   Lynda Durrant        4.7      6.0
 5057EN Bearstone                         Will Hobbs           5.0      6.0
18255EN Becoming Felix                    Nancy Hope Wilson    4.5      6.0
 6904EN Being of Two Minds                Pamela F. Service    5.9      6.0
 8552EN Bel-Air Bambi and the Mall Rats   Richard Peck         4.7      6.0
 5058EN The BFG                           Roald Dahl           4.8      6.0
10204EN Bigger                            Patricia Calvert     5.7      6.0
 5259EN Bless the Beasts & Children       Glendon Swarthout    6.3      6.0
 9522EN Bloody Country                    James/Christopher    5.2      6.0
    9EN Blue Willow                       Doris Gates          6.5      6.0
18437EN Bone Dance                        Martha Brooks        4.7      6.0
 5003EN The Borrowers Afloat              Mary Norton          6.0      6.0
20060EN The Borrowers Aloft               Mary Norton          6.0      6.0
 8555EN Bright Days, Stupid Nights        Norma Fox Mazer      4.2      6.0
 6307EN The Broccoli Tapes                Jan Slepian          4.0      6.0
 5061EN Brothers of the Heart             Joan W. Blos         6.0      6.0
11047EN The Captive                       Joyce Hansen         5.1      6.0
10290EN The Car                           Gary Paulsen         4.8      6.0
  160EN The Castle in the Attic           Elizabeth Winthrop   4.9      6.0
12690EN Cattail Moon                      Jean Thesman         3.9      6.0
  604EN Caught in the Act                 Joan Lowery Nixon    5.0      6.0
 5064EN The Children of Green Knowe       L.M. Boston          5.3      6.0
11049EN Chive                             Shelley Barre        4.4      6.0
 5261EN Choosing Sides                    Ilene Cooper         4.4      6.0
32238EN Cleopatra VII: Daughter of the N  Kristiana Gregory    6.2      6.0
28512EN Close to a Killer                 Marsha Qualey        4.6      6.0
42429EN A Coal Miner's Bride: The Diary   Susan Campbell Bar   5.5      6.0
63410EN A Corner of the Universe          Ann M. Martin        4.5      6.0
10110EN Cute Is a Four-Letter Word        Stella Pevsner       4.2      6.0
  735EN Daddy-Long-Legs                   Jean Webster         6.1      6.0
 5007EN Danny, the Champion of the World  Roald Dahl           4.7      6.0
  465EN Daphne's Book                     Mary Downing Hahn    4.2      6.0
11708EN Dark Canyon                       Louis L'Amour        5.6      6.0
 6910EN The Day That Elvis Came to Town   Jan Marino           3.6      6.0
11710EN The Day They Came to Arrest the   Nat Hentoff          6.0      6.0
14898EN Dean Duffy                        Randy Powell         4.6      6.0
  560EN December Stillness                Mary Downing Hahn    5.1      6.0
 6998EN The Devil's Arithmetic            Jane Yolen           4.6      6.0
 8561EN Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack         M.E. Kerr            4.8      6.0
 6035EN Dixie Storms                      Barbara Hall         4.1      6.0
  756EN Don't Hurt Laurie!                Willo Davis Robert   5.3      6.0
 7005EN Don't Look and It Won't Hurt      Richard Peck         5.0      6.0
 8464EN Eleanor Roosevelt: A Life of Dis  Russell Freedman     7.8      6.0
32239EN Elizabeth I: Red Rose of the Hou  Kathryn Lasky        5.5      6.0
11715EN Emergency Room                    Caroline B. Cooney   5.3      6.0
  609EN The Enormous Egg                  Oliver Butterworth   5.0      6.0
 5266EN Escape from Warsaw                Ian Serraillier      5.5      6.0
44286EN Esperanza Rising                  Pam Munoz Ryan       5.3      6.0
10031EN Ethan Frome                       Edith Wharton        7.6      6.0
 5267EN Face at the Edge of the World     Eve Bunting          4.2      6.0
 5268EN The Face on the Milk Carton       Caroline B. Cooney   4.8      6.0
30577EN The Falcon                        Jackie French Koll   4.3      6.0
 9552EN False Face                        Welwyn Katz          4.6      6.0
 6916EN Family                            J. Cooper            4.7      6.0
 8563EN Family of Strangers               Susan Beth Pfeffer   4.9      6.0
 6918EN The Fastest Friend in the West    Vicki Grove          5.6      6.0
  762EN Father Figure                     Richard Peck         4.8      6.0
26657EN Father Water, Mother Woods        Gary Paulsen         6.2      6.0
  114EN The Fledgling                     Jane Langton         5.0      6.0
10265EN Flour Babies                      Anne Fine            4.9      6.0
 6315EN Following the Mystery Man         Mary Downing Hahn    5.1      6.0
29356EN For Mike                          Shelley Sykes        3.9      6.0
 8565EN For the Life of Laetitia          Merle Hodge          5.2      6.0
10117EN For the Love of Pete              Jan Marino           4.4      6.0
34238EN Friends and Enemies               LouAnn Gaeddert      5.0      6.0
10280EN Game Plan                         Thomas J. Dygard     5.8      6.0
   30EN Gay-Neck: The Story of a Pigeon   Dhan Gopal Mukerji   6.5      6.0
 8567EN Gentlehands                       M.E. Kerr            5.0      6.0
32742EN Getting Near to Baby              Audrey Couloumbis    5.1      6.0
  763EN The Goats                         Brock Cole           3.9      6.0
  169EN Going Home                        Nicholasa Mohr       4.4      6.0
  469EN The Great Brain at the Academy    John D. Fitzgerald   5.8      6.0
 8569EN The Harmony Arms                  Ron Koertge          4.2      6.0
 7044EN The Haymeadow                     Gary Paulsen         5.4      6.0
   36EN Henry Reed's Baby-Sitting Servic  Keith Robertson      5.1      6.0
10119EN Here's to You, Rachel Robinson    Judy Blume           4.3      6.0
 6319EN Home at Last                      David DeVries        4.7      6.0
  118EN Homesick, My Own Story            Jean Fritz           5.1      6.0
44672EN Hope Was Here                     Joan Bauer           5.1      6.0
 8572EN The Hostage                       Theodore Taylor      5.2      6.0
   40EN The House of the Sixty Fathers    Meindert deJong      5.5      6.0
 5973EN How Could You Do It, Diane?       Stella Pevsner       3.9      6.0
10121EN Hugh Glass, Mountain Man          Robert M. McClung    6.2      6.0
 6320EN Hummer                            Linda Gruenberg      4.4      6.0
 5271EN I Heard the Owl Call My Name      Margaret Craven      6.0      6.0
10931EN Iceman                            Chris Lynch          5.3      6.0
  615EN In the Face of Danger             Joan Lowery Nixon    5.0      6.0
10945EN In the Middle of the Night        Robert Cormier       5.5      6.0
  231EN The Indian in the Cupboard        Lynne Reid Banks     4.6      6.0
 6924EN Invitation to the Game            Monica Hughes        4.7      6.0
   45EN Island of the Blue Dolphins       Scott O'Dell         5.4      6.0
27944EN The Journal of James Edmond Peas  Jim Murphy           5.7      6.0
52608EN The Journal of Jesse Smoke: A Ch  Joseph Bruchac       6.2      6.0
35833EN The Journal of Wong Ming-Chung:   Laurence Yep         4.8      6.0
11720EN Julie                             Jean Craighead Geo   5.0      6.0
   49EN Julie of the Wolves               Jean Craighead Geo   5.8      6.0
52596EN Kaiulani: The People's Princess   Ellen Emerson Whit   6.4      6.0
41255EN The Key Is Lost                   Vos/Edelstein        3.6      6.0
36754EN Kit's Wilderness                  David Almond         3.7      6.0
  773EN The Language of Goldfish          Zibby Oneal          3.9      6.0
 6047EN LeRoy and the Old Man             W.E. Butterworth     5.1      6.0
19199EN The Life and Death of Crazy Hors  Russell Freedman     7.2      6.0
10126EN Lily and the Lost Boy             Paula Fox            5.3      6.0
25891EN A Line in the Sand: The Alamo Di  Sherry Garland       5.6      6.0
   52EN The Lion, the Witch and the Ward  C.S. Lewis           5.7      6.0
11722EN Listen for Rachel                 Lou Kassem           4.3      6.0
11723EN Loch                              Paul Zindel          5.4      6.0
10127EN Looking for Home                  Jean Ferris          4.8      6.0
 8698EN Lost Magic                        Berthe Amoss         6.0      6.0
10895EN Lostman's River                   Cynthia DeFelice     5.4      6.0
  621EN The Luck of the Miss L.           Lee Kingman          4.8      6.0
  622EN The Magician's Nephew             C.S. Lewis           5.4      6.0
10129EN Malcolm X: By Any Means Necessar  Walter Dean Myers    8.0      6.0
10130EN The Man Who Was Poe               Avi                  4.2      6.0
   54EN Mary Poppins                      P.L. Travers         6.1      6.0
58029EN Mary, Queen of Scots: Queen With  Kathryn Lasky        6.0      6.0
14919EN Mary Wolf                         Cynthia D. Grant     3.3      6.0
 5429EN Matilda                           Roald Dahl           5.0      6.0
  372EN Me, My Goat, and My Sister's Wed  Stella Pevsner       3.7      6.0
 5974EN Me Two                            Mary C. Ryan         4.8      6.0
   57EN The Middle Moffat                 Eleanor Estes        4.6      6.0
34516EN Midnight Magic                    Avi                  4.7      6.0
 6336EN Mitch and Amy                     Beverly Cleary       6.2      6.0
   61EN The Moffats                       Eleanor Estes        5.2      6.0
10256EN Molly Donnelly                    Jean Thesman         4.6      6.0
  374EN The Moonlight Man                 Paula Fox            5.1      6.0
  375EN More Adventures of the Great Bra  John D. Fitzgerald   5.2      6.0
 5919EN More Than Meets the Eye           Jeanne Betancourt    4.1      6.0
  573EN The Mummy, the Will, and the Cry  John Bellairs        5.3      6.0
 5948EN The Music of Summer               Rosa Guy             4.4      6.0
54170EN My Face to the Wind: The Diary o  Jim Murphy           5.6      6.0
   64EN My Side of the Mountain           Jean Craighead Geo   5.2      6.0
53440EN The Mysterious Matter of I.M. Fi  Diane Stanley        4.5      6.0
  377EN Night Cry                         Phyllis Reynolds N   5.4      6.0
 5280EN Night Kites                       M.E. Kerr            4.3      6.0
11727EN Night Terrors                     Jim Murphy           5.2      6.0
 6338EN No Coins, Please                  Gordon Korman        5.1      6.0
  239EN The Noonday Friends               Mary Stolz           4.8      6.0
10135EN Nothing to Do but Stay            Carrie Young         7.0      6.0
  630EN On the Far Side of the Mountain   Jean Craighead Geo   4.5      6.0
44824EN One Eye Laughing, the Other Weep  Barry Denenberg      5.6      6.0
  776EN One Fat Summer                    Robert Lipsyte       4.2      6.0
  777EN One Thing for Sure                David Gifaldi        4.2      6.0
 7879EN The One Who Came Back             Joann Mazzio         4.4      6.0
10269EN Others See Us                     William Sleator      5.8      6.0
11728EN Out of Nowhere                    Ouida Sebestyen      4.5      6.0
 7018EN The Party's Over                  Caroline B. Cooney   4.2      6.0
  778EN People Like Us                    Barbara Cohen        3.9      6.0
11733EN Phoenix Rising                    Karen Hesse          4.0      6.0
10264EN Picking up the Pieces             Patricia Calvert     5.9      6.0
34883EN Pig and the Shrink                Pamela Todd          4.8      6.0
 8580EN The Pigman's Legacy               Paul Zindel          5.7      6.0
  780EN The Pigman                        Paul Zindel          5.5      6.0
  632EN A Place to Belong                 Joan Lowery Nixon    4.9      6.0
  781EN Probably Still Nick Swansen       Virginia Euwer Wol   4.6      6.0
16871EN Protecting Marie                  Kevin Henkes         5.1      6.0
  635EN The Pushcart War                  Jean Merrill         6.5      6.0
10045EN Pygmalion                         George Bernard Sha   7.0      6.0
 7020EN The Rain Catchers                 Jean Thesman         4.1      6.0
11735EN The Rebounder                     Thomas J. Dygard     5.7      6.0
 7021EN Red Cap                           G. Clifton Wisler    5.4      6.0
 5284EN The Red Pony                      John Steinbeck       6.1      6.0
  578EN Remembering the Good Times        Richard Peck         4.5      6.0
  384EN Return to Bitter Creek            Doris Buchanan Smi   4.8      6.0
 8583EN Revolutions of the Heart          Marsha Qualey        4.1      6.0
 6939EN The Revolving Door Stops Here     Phyllis Anderson W   4.4      6.0
 6395EN Rosa Parks, My Story              Parks/Haskins        6.2      6.0
17789EN Saving Shiloh                     Phyllis Reynolds N   4.9      6.0
  579EN Say Goodnight, Gracie             Julie Reece Deaver   3.8      6.0
  386EN Scorpions                         Walter Dean Myers    3.7      6.0
  437EN Scruffy                           Jack Stoneley        5.3      6.0
  339EN The Secret Life of Dilly McBean   Dorothy Haas         4.4      6.0
 5921EN Secret, Silent Screams            Joan Lowery Nixon    4.8      6.0
 6040EN Shadow Brothers                   A.E. Cannon          4.2      6.0
43424EN The Shadowed Unicorn              Sheila Kelly Welch   4.6      6.0
58066EN Shattering Glass                  Gail Giles           4.2      6.0
49768EN A Single Shard                    Linda Sue Park       6.6      6.0
  786EN Sister of the Quints              Stella Pevsner       3.9      6.0
   82EN The Slave Dancer                  Paula Fox            6.0      6.0
  387EN So Far from the Bamboo Grove      Yoko Kawashima Wat   4.7      6.0
11050EN Someone to Count On               Patricia Hermes      4.1      6.0
  789EN Someone to Love Me                Jeannette Eyerly     5.2      6.0
10252EN Someone Was Watching              David Patneaude      4.5      6.0
 5922EN Something's Rotten in the State   Laura Sonnenmark     4.5      6.0
 8587EN Somewhere in the Darkness         Walter Dean Myers    4.4      6.0
14530EN Spying on Miss Muller             Eve Bunting          4.4      6.0
41562EN Stargirl                          Jerry Spinelli       4.2      6.0
49813EN A Step from Heaven                An Na                4.2      6.0
16982EN Stone Water                       Barbara Snow Gilbe   5.0      6.0
18792EN Stormy, Misty's Foal              Marguerite Henry     4.7      6.0
   86EN Strawberry Girl                   Lois Lenski          4.8      6.0
11740EN Sugar Isn't Everything            Willo Davis Robert   5.5      6.0
64752EN Survival in the Storm: The Dust   Katelan Janke        6.4      6.0
10144EN Sydney, Herself                   Colby Rodowsky       5.7      6.0
 8590EN T-backs, T-shirts, Coat, and Sui  E.L. Konigsburg      5.4      6.0
43472EN Talk to Me: Stories and a Novell  Carol Dines          4.7      6.0
 5089EN The Talking Earth                 Jean Craighead Geo   5.2      6.0
  583EN Tallahassee Higgins               Mary Downing Hahn    4.6      6.0
  584EN Taming the Star Runner            S.E. Hinton          4.7      6.0
14871EN The Thief of Always               Clive Barker         4.8      6.0
11543EN Thief of Hearts                   Laurence Yep         4.6      6.0
  794EN Tiger Eyes                        Judy Blume           4.1      6.0
10206EN Time for Andrew: A Ghost Story    Mary Downing Hahn    4.5      6.0
58676EN A Time for Courage: The Suffrage  Kathryn Lasky        5.9      6.0
12799EN The Time Machine (Unabridged)     H.G. Wells           7.4      6.0
 5964EN Travel Far, Pay No Fare           Anne Lindbergh       4.2      6.0
45718EN True Believer                     Virginia Euwer Wol   5.2      6.0
   90EN The Trumpet of the Swan           E.B. White           4.9      6.0
   91EN The Twenty-One Balloons           William Pene duBoi   6.8      6.0
 5971EN Twenty Pageants Later             Caroline B. Cooney   4.9      6.0
17848EN The Unlikely Romance of Kate Bjo  Louise Plummer       5.0      6.0
  143EN The Upstairs Room                 Johanna Reiss        2.9      6.0
50168EN Valley of the Moon: The Diary of  Sherry Garland       6.2      6.0
54693EN Victoria: May Blossom of Britann  Anna Kirwan          6.2      6.0
13740EN The Voice on the Radio            Caroline B. Cooney   4.6      6.0
 6994EN Waiting for Anya                  Michael Morpurgo     5.1      6.0
 5296EN A Walk in Wolf Wood               Mary Stewart         5.4      6.0
36678EN The Wanderer                      Sharon Creech        5.2      6.0
18799EN West to a Land of Plenty: The Di  Jim Murphy           5.2      6.0
  396EN Westmark                          Lloyd Alexander      5.3      6.0
11147EN What Are We Going to Do about Da  Willo Davis Robert   5.0      6.0
10891EN What Hearts                       Bruce Brooks         6.1      6.0
42986EN What Janie Found                  Caroline B. Cooney   4.8      6.0
 7030EN What You Don't Know Can Kill You  Fran Arrick          4.4      6.0
 5967EN When the Road Ends                Jean Thesman         4.2      6.0
34759EN When Zachary Beaver Came to Town  Kimberly Willis Ho   4.5      6.0
59358EN Where Have All the Flowers Gone?  Ellen Emerson Whit   5.8      6.0
  145EN Where the Lilies Bloom            Vera/Bill Cleaver    5.2      6.0
  598EN Whisper Goodbye                   Dorothy Morrison     4.6      6.0
 6995EN Whispers from the Dead            Joan Lowery Nixon    4.4      6.0
11748EN White Hare's Horses               Penina Keen Spinka   5.2      6.0
10149EN The White Mercedes                Philip Pullman       4.9      6.0
 5097EN The Wild Children                 Felice Holman        5.3      6.0
  600EN Wilderness Peril                  Thomas J. Dygard     5.2      6.0
  149EN The Witches of Worm               Zilpha Keatley Sny   5.7      6.0
25965EN Witnesses to War                  Michael Leapman      7.3      6.0
  399EN Words by Heart                    Ouida Sebestyen      4.6      6.0
  799EN Yesterday's Daughter              Patricia Calvert     6.0      6.0
32706EN Amanda Miranda                    Richard Peck         5.6      7.0
  355EN Anthony Burns: The Defeat and Tr  Virginia Hamilton    5.8      7.0
10103EN Bad Boy                           Diana Wieler         4.7      7.0
10293EN Because She's My Friend           Harriet Sirof        4.9      7.0
 5258EN A Begonia for Miss Applebaum      Paul Zindel          6.6      7.0
 6905EN The Bewitching of Alison Allbrig  Alan Davidson        5.6      7.0
 7131EN Beyond Safe Boundaries            Margaret Sacks       6.3      7.0
  210EN The Black Cauldron                Lloyd Alexander      5.2      7.0
  105EN The Black Stallion                Walter Farley        5.2      7.0
 6385EN Black Unicorn                     Tanith Lee           5.4      7.0
18758EN The Borrowers Afield              Mary Norton          6.4      7.0
  558EN The Boy Who Reversed Himself      William Sleator      4.7      7.0
15099EN The Boys from St. Petri           Bjarne Reuter        5.0      7.0
54159EN Breaking Through                  Francisco Jiménez    5.3      7.0
49640EN Breathing Underwater              Alex Flinn           3.9      7.0
45701EN Brides of Eden                    Linda Crew           5.2      7.0
11705EN The Brightest Light               Colleen O'Shaughne   4.9      7.0
   12EN Brighty of the Grand Canyon       Marguerite Henry     5.6      7.0
  107EN The Call of the Wild              Jack London          8.0      7.0
 8556EN A Candidate for Murder            Joan Lowery Nixon    5.1      7.0
  559EN Charley Skedaddle                 Patricia Beatty      5.2      7.0
 6977EN Charmed                           Marilyn Singer       4.5      7.0
 6908EN Checking on the Moon              Jenny Davis          4.5      7.0
 6034EN Clover                            Dori Sanders         5.1      7.0
58513EN Crispin: The Cross of Lead        Avi                  5.0      7.0
36674EN Darkness over Denmark             Ellen Levine         7.2      7.0
  755EN Deathwatch                        Robb White           6.0      7.0
10893EN Driver's Ed                       Caroline B. Cooney   4.6      7.0
  759EN Durango Street                    Frank Bonham         4.6      7.0
11714EN Earthshine                        Theresa Nelson       5.1      7.0
  217EN The Egypt Game                    Zilpha Keatley Sny   6.4      7.0
  736EN Fahrenheit 451                    Ray Bradbury         5.2      7.0
  610EN A Family Apart                    Joan Lowery Nixon    5.4      7.0
  760EN Family Picture                    Dean Hughes          4.8      7.0
  363EN Farewell to Manzanar              Jeanne Houston       6.7      7.0
  761EN Fast Sam, Cool Clyde, and Stuff   Walter Dean Myers    4.8      7.0
 9988EN Fatal Secrets                     Richie Tankersley    5.0      7.0
42961EN Fever, 1793                       Laurie Halse Ander   4.4      7.0
 6920EN Fifteen                           Beverly Cleary       5.4      7.0
32527EN Find a Stranger, Say Goodbye      Lois Lowry           4.8      7.0
 6046EN Flight #116 Is Down               Caroline B. Cooney   5.1      7.0
13753EN The Gentleman Outlaw and Me, Eli  Mary Downing Hahn    5.5      7.0
 9553EN Ghost Abbey                       Robert Westall       5.1      7.0
10118EN Ghost Song                        Susan Price          5.6      7.0
 5269EN A Gift of Magic                   Lois Duncan          6.0      7.0
 5069EN The Girl Who Owned a City         O.T. Nelson          4.7      7.0
 8568EN The Giver                         Lois Lowry           5.7      7.0
  224EN Gone-Away Lake                    Elizabeth Enright    5.3      7.0
12399EN Grams, Her Boyfriend, My Family,  Pat Derby            4.1      7.0
  115EN The Great Brain                   John D. Fitzgerald   5.2      7.0
  365EN Halfback Tough                    Thomas J. Dygard     5.1      7.0
28795EN Hard Ball                         Will Weaver          4.4      7.0
  367EN Hatchet                           Gary Paulsen         5.7      7.0
  473EN Henry Reed's Think Tank           Keith Robertson      5.6      7.0
59167EN Hole in My Life                   Jack Gantos          5.7      7.0
28081EN Holes                             Louis Sachar         4.6      7.0
  765EN Home Before Dark                  Sue Ellen Bridgers   6.0      7.0
  766EN Hoops                             Walter Dean Myers    4.6      7.0
   41EN The Hundred and One Dalmatians    Dodie Smith          5.4      7.0
   43EN Hurry Home, Candy                 Meindert deJong      5.0      7.0
 5270EN I Am the Cheese                   Robert Cormier       5.2      7.0
   44EN I, Juan de Pareja                 Elizabeth Borton d   6.5      7.0
  767EN I Know What You Did Last Summer   Lois Duncan          4.7      7.0
 5071EN The Island on Bird Street         Uri Orlev            4.6      7.0
 7877EN Jayhawker                         Patricia Beatty      5.0      7.0
14992EN Jip: His Story                    Katherine Paterson   5.3      7.0
45124EN Joey Pigza Loses Control          Jack Gantos          4.9      7.0
59356EN The Journal of Patrick Seamus Fl  Ellen Emerson Whit   5.9      7.0
 6926EN Journey of the Sparrows           Fran Leeper Buss     4.6      7.0
28444EN Joy School                        Elizabeth Berg       3.8      7.0
  771EN Just as Long as We're Together    Judy Blume           3.7      7.0
11721EN Just Friends                      Norma Klein          4.8      7.0
 8573EN Keeping Christina                 Sue Ellen Bridgers   4.3      7.0
28443EN The Killer's Cousin               Nancy Werlin         4.2      7.0
  619EN The Last Battle                   C.S. Lewis           5.6      7.0
10124EN Leaving Eldorado                  Joann Mazzio         4.8      7.0
 7900EN The Leaving                       Budge Wilson         5.8      7.0
10916EN Little Farm in the Ozarks         Roger Lea MacBride   4.5      7.0
  371EN The Lottery Rose                  Irene Hunt           5.6      7.0
 6930EN The Machine Gunners               Robert Westall       4.8      7.0
  623EN Mandy                             Julie Edwards        4.8      7.0
40137EN Marie Antoinette: Princess of Ve  Kathryn Lasky        6.2      7.0
   55EN The Master Puppeteer              Katherine Paterson   5.4      7.0
28488EN The Maze                          Will Hobbs           5.0      7.0
  570EN Megan's Island                    Willo Davis Robert   5.0      7.0
   59EN Miracles on Maple Hill            Virginia Sorensen    4.9      7.0
 8576EN Missing Person                    Sally Pfoutz         4.9      7.0
10132EN Montana 1948                      Larry Watson         5.5      7.0
 9989EN Murder on the Twelfth Night       Tony Hays            5.0      7.0
  127EN My Brother Sam Is Dead            James/Christopher    4.9      7.0
 5949EN My Sister Is Driving Me Crazy     Mary Elizabeth Rya   4.3      7.0
 8541EN The Mystery of the Cupboard       Lynne Reid Banks     4.9      7.0
18448EN Necessary Roughness               Marie G. Lee         4.8      7.0
31648EN Never Trust a Dead Man            Vivian Vande Velde   5.6      7.0
39861EN Nowhere to Call Home              Cynthia DeFelice     5.3      7.0
46287EN Odysseus in the Serpent Maze      Yolen/Harris         5.0      7.0
 7898EN Of Nightingales That Weep         Katherine Paterson   6.2      7.0
53475EN Of Sound Mind                     Jean Ferris          5.1      7.0
  241EN One-Eyed Cat                      Paula Fox            5.4      7.0
35294EN Our Only May Amelia               Jennifer L. Holm     4.8      7.0
  381EN The Outsiders                     S.E. Hinton          4.7      7.0
 5334EN Owl in Love                       Patrice Kindl        5.1      7.0
34832EN Perloo the Bold                   Avi                  4.9      7.0
  130EN The Phantom Tollbooth             Norton Juster        6.7      7.0
  132EN The Planet of Junior Brown        Virginia Hamilton    5.1      7.0
54035EN Players                           Joyce Sweeney        4.7      7.0
   70EN Prairie School                    Lois Lenski          4.0      7.0
  634EN Prince Caspian                    C.S. Lewis           5.7      7.0
  577EN Princess Ashley                   Richard Peck         4.8      7.0
 8582EN The Promise                       Robert Westall       5.0      7.0
 6938EN Rachel Chance                     Jean Thesman         5.2      7.0
 5283EN Ransom                            Lois Duncan          4.9      7.0
   73EN Rascal                            Sterling North       7.1      7.0
 7198EN Red Sky at Morning                Andrea Wyman         4.5      7.0
10286EN Relative Strangers                Jean Ferris          4.6      7.0
11737EN Rivers West                       Louis L'Amour        5.0      7.0
14531EN Running out of Time               Margaret Peterson    4.8      7.0
35280EN The Saga of Lewis & Clark         Thomas/Jeremy Schm   8.2      7.0
  385EN Sarah Bishop                      Scott O'Dell         4.9      7.0
10237EN Savage Carrot                     Ingrid Tomey         4.8      7.0
  747EN The Screwtape Letters             C.S. Lewis           8.8      7.0
14488EN Send Me down a Miracle            Han Nolan            5.3      7.0
10140EN Shadow Boxer                      Chris Lynch          4.4      7.0
 5293EN The Shadow Club                   Neal Shusterman      5.5      7.0
11738EN Shadowmaker                       Joan Lowery Nixon    5.0      7.0
  546EN Shane                             Jack Schaefer        5.5      7.0
 5294EN Shark beneath the Reef            Jean Craighead Geo   5.3      7.0
44292EN Silent to the Bone                E.L. Konigsburg      5.4      7.0
  785EN Silver                            Norma Fox Mazer      3.4      7.0
 6041EN The Silver Kiss                   Annette Curtis Kla   4.5      7.0
  580EN Singularity                       William Sleator      4.9      7.0
  640EN The Sky Is Falling                Barbara Corcoran     4.4      7.0
  139EN The Snowbird                      Patricia Calvert     5.2      7.0
11598EN The Solid Gold Kid                Norma/Harry Mazer    4.9      7.0
32480EN Speak                             Laurie Halse Ander   4.5      7.0
 6397EN Speaking to Miranda               Caroline Macdonald   4.6      7.0
 5960EN Split Image                       Michael French       4.8      7.0
18837EN Stones in Water                   Donna Jo Napoli      4.2      7.0
  389EN A Stranger at Green Knowe         L.M. Boston          6.4      7.0
  390EN Streams to the River, River to t  Scott O'Dell         4.8      7.0
60652EN Surviving the Applewhites         Stephanie S. Tolan   5.5      7.0
10145EN Taking Terri Mueller              Norma Fox Mazer      3.7      7.0
10146EN Tell Me Everything                Carolyn Coman        5.8      7.0
 6944EN Tell Me How the Wind Sounds       Leslie Davis Gucci   5.0      7.0
  393EN Tex                               S.E. Hinton          4.7      7.0
13646EN The Thirty-Nine Steps             John Buchan          7.4      7.0
11741EN Thwonk                            Joan Bauer           5.4      7.0
  246EN The Tombs of Atuan                Ursula K. LeGuin     5.9      7.0
32720EN Trapped! Cages of Mind and Body   Lois Duncan          4.9      7.0
11494EN The Trespassers                   Zilpha Keatley Sny   5.5      7.0
  592EN Turn Homeward, Hannalee           Patricia Beatty      4.9      7.0
47143EN Turnabout                         Margaret Peterson    5.3      7.0
24998EN The TV Guidance Counselor         A.C. LeMieux         4.9      7.0
 7891EN Twelve Days in August             Liza Ketchum Murro   4.2      7.0
  593EN The Twenty-Five Cent Miracle      Theresa Nelson       5.6      7.0
11743EN Twice Taken                       Susan Beth Pfeffer   3.9      7.0
 8595EN Two Moons in August               Martha Brooks        4.5      7.0
  395EN Water Sky                         Jean Craighead Geo   4.7      7.0
 8598EN The Weekend Was Murder!           Joan Lowery Nixon    5.1      7.0
 5966EN What Daddy Did                    Neal Shusterman      4.5      7.0
 9996EN Whatever Happened to Janie?       Caroline B. Cooney   4.7      7.0
 7049EN Where Are You When I Need You?    Suzanne Newton       4.9      7.0
  397EN The White Mountains               John Christopher     6.2      7.0
 5298EN Who Put That Hair in My Toothbru  Jerry Spinelli       3.5      7.0
11749EN Who's There?                      Stephanie S. Tolan   4.9      7.0
 5098EN A Wind in the Door                Madeleine L'Engle    5.0      7.0
11546EN With Every Drop of Blood          James/Christopher    4.9      7.0
  525EN The Wizard of Oz                  L. Frank Baum        7.0      7.0
   99EN The Wolves of Willoughby Chase    Joan Aiken           6.5      7.0
  150EN A Wrinkle in Time                 Madeleine L'Engle    4.7      7.0
 6638EN Year of Impossible Good-byes      Sook Nyul Choi       5.6      7.0
  400EN The Year without Michael          Susan Beth Pfeffer   4.3      7.0
 6030EN The Abduction                     Mette Newth          6.0      8.0
 6901EN Across the Grain                  Jean Ferris          4.6      8.0
11701EN Adam and Eve and Pinch-Me         Julie Johnston       4.8      8.0
  351EN After the Dancing Days            Margaret I. Rostko   3.8      8.0
  352EN After the Rain                    Norma Fox Mazer      3.7      8.0
 7870EN Alien Secrets                     Annette Curtis Kla   6.6      8.0
    4EN And Now Miguel                    Joseph Krumgold      4.8      8.0
13771EN Between a Rock and a Hard Place   Alden R. Carter      4.9      8.0
49638EN Beware, Princess Elizabeth        Carolyn Meyer        7.2      8.0
59202EN Big Mouth and Ugly Girl           Joyce Carol Oates    5.1      8.0
  601EN The Black Stallion Returns        Walter Farley        6.1      8.0
  556EN Blair's Nightmare                 Zilpha Keatley Sny   5.3      8.0
19055EN The Blooding                      Patricia Windsor     4.4      8.0
 7042EN The Boggart                       Susan Cooper         6.1      8.0
 7179EN A Break with Charity              Ann Rinaldi          4.7      8.0
 8554EN Briar Rose                        Jane Yolen           5.0      8.0
29554EN Bud, Not Buddy                    Christopher Paul C   5.0      8.0
25296EN Burning Up                        Caroline B. Cooney   5.0      8.0
   14EN Caddie Woodlawn                   Carol Ryrie Brink    6.0      8.0
10267EN California Blue                   David Klass          5.0      8.0
   16EN Carry on, Mr. Bowditch            Jean Latham          4.1      8.0
 8693EN Catherine, Called Birdy           Karen Cushman        6.4      8.0
14535EN Cezanne Pinto: A Memoir           Mary Stolz           5.5      8.0
10108EN Chancy                            Louis L'Amour        5.4      8.0
  606EN Children of the River             Linda Crew           4.3      8.0
31890EN Chinese Cinderella                Adeline Yen Mah      5.7      8.0
 5260EN The Chocolate War                 Robert Cormier       5.4      8.0
 6978EN The Christmas Killer              Patricia Windsor     4.5      8.0
 5915EN Collidescope                      Grace Chetwin        4.8      8.0
  162EN Come Sing, Jimmy Jo               Katherine Paterson   4.7      8.0
10111EN David and Jonathan                Cynthia Voigt        4.7      8.0
 7868EN Dear Nobody                       Berlie Doherty       4.9      8.0
  529EN Death Be Not Proud                John Gunther         8.0      8.0
10892EN The Diamond in the Window         Jane Langton         5.8      8.0
 5933EN Distant Fires                     Scott Anderson       6.7      8.0
13988EN Do Angels Sing the Blues?         A.C. LeMieux         5.1      8.0
10950EN Dogwolf                           Alden R. Carter      4.9      8.0
 7006EN Downriver                         Will Hobbs           4.9      8.0
17769EN Ella Enchanted                    Gail Carson Levine   4.6      8.0
10649EN Farm Team                         Will Weaver          4.5      8.0
 6917EN Fast Talk on a Slow Track         Rita Williams-Garc   4.9      8.0
 5936EN Fielder's Choice                  Rick Norman          5.3      8.0
 9967EN Flight of the Dragon Kyn          Susan Fletcher       5.5      8.0
14766EN Free Fall                         Joyce Sweeney        4.5      8.0
 2114EN Frightful's Mountain              Jean Craighead Geo   4.7      8.0
  220EN The Gammage Cup                   Carol Kendall        5.9      8.0
  222EN Gentle Ben                        Walt Morey           4.8      8.0
20113EN Ghost Canoe                       Will Hobbs           5.9      8.0
  708EN The Great Gatsby                  F. Scott Fitzgeral   7.3      8.0
  226EN Harriet the Spy                   Louise Fitzhugh      4.5      8.0
  117EN The Headless Cupid                Zilpha Keatley Sny   5.3      8.0
 8571EN Heart of a Champion               Carl Deuker          4.2      8.0
   35EN Henry Reed, Inc.                  Keith Robertson      5.5      8.0
 7899EN Hero of Lesser Causes             Julie Johnston       4.3      8.0
10120EN Hold Fast                         Kevin Major          4.7      8.0
  612EN The Horse and His Boy             C.S. Lewis           5.8      8.0
 5070EN The House on the Hill             Eileen Dunlop        6.2      8.0
17819EN I Have Lived a Thousand Years: G  Livia Bitton-Jacks   4.8      8.0
14849EN Ice                               Phyllis Reynolds N   5.3      8.0
 5272EN The Iceberg Hermit                Arthur Roth          6.4      8.0
 7008EN Interstellar Pig                  William Sleator      5.6      8.0
 5273EN The Island                        Gary Paulsen         5.7      8.0
  120EN Jacob Have I Loved                Katherine Paterson   5.7      8.0
32529EN Jason's Gold                      Will Hobbs           5.5      8.0
   48EN Journey from Peppermint Street    Meindert deJong      5.0      8.0
51846EN Katarína                          Kathryn Winter       4.1      8.0
33006EN The Key to the Indian             Lynne Reid Banks     4.8      8.0
  772EN Killing Mr. Griffin               Lois Duncan          4.8      8.0
34721EN King of Shadows                   Susan Cooper         6.2      8.0
53427EN Lady of Ch'iao Kuo: Warrior of t  Laurence Yep         5.3      8.0
 9992EN The Last Oasis                    Sue Pace             4.6      8.0
  620EN The Last of the Really Great Wha  Julie Edwards        4.4      8.0
 6927EN Life without Friends              Ellen Emerson Whit   3.9      8.0
 6928EN A Little Bit Dead                 Chap Reaver          3.9      8.0
 9595EN Little House on Rocky Ridge       Roger Lea MacBride   4.2      8.0
   53EN Little House on the Prairie       Laura Ingalls Wild   4.9      8.0
 7862EN Lizard                            Dennis Covington     4.6      8.0
 6049EN Losing Joe's Place                Gordon Korman        5.5      8.0
 5275EN Mama's Going to Buy You a Mockin  Jean Little          4.5      8.0
 6931EN The Man from the Other Side       Uri Orlev            5.6      8.0
 5276EN The Man in the Woods              Rosemary Wells       5.2      8.0
64629EN Martyn Pig                        Kevin Brooks         3.7      8.0
 2477EN Mary, Bloody Mary                 Carolyn Meyer        6.3      8.0
10131EN Meet the Austins                  Madeleine L'Engle    5.3      8.0
 7152EN Molly by Any Other Name           Jean Davies Okimot   4.5      8.0
 9995EN Mother's Blessing                 Penina Keen Spinka   4.7      8.0
   62EN Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH  Robert C. O'Brien    5.1      8.0
  376EN A Murder for Her Majesty          Beth Hilgartner      5.0      8.0
40657EN Night Hoops                       Carl Deuker          4.5      8.0
  541EN A Night to Remember               Walter Lord          7.0      8.0
34774EN No Pretty Pictures: A Child of W  Anita Lobel          5.0      8.0
 5281EN No Promises in the Wind           Irene Hunt           5.6      8.0
 5975EN Nothing to Fear                   Jackie French Koll   4.2      8.0
   67EN On the Banks of Plum Creek        Laura Ingalls Wild   4.6      8.0
29795EN On to Oregon!                     Honore Morrow        6.1      8.0
   68EN Onion John                        Joseph Krumgold      4.5      8.0
  380EN Ordinary Jack                     Helen Cresswell      5.6      8.0
  631EN Outlaw Red                        Jim Kjelgaard        6.6      8.0
  517EN Peter Pan                         James M. Barrie      7.2      8.0
 8581EN Pillow of Clouds                  Marc Talbert         5.4      8.0
 6937EN Pilot Down, Presumed Dead         Marjorie Phleger     7.0      8.0
10791EN Pollyanna                         Eleanor H Porter     5.2      8.0
11548EN The Pool of Fire                  John Christopher     7.0      8.0
  683EN Racso and the Rats of NIMH        Jane Leslie Conly    5.0      8.0
  715EN The Red Badge of Courage          Stephen Crane        8.0      8.0
 6039EN Rice without Rain                 Minfong Ho           5.6      8.0
10902EN Rimwalkers                        Vicki Grove          6.1      8.0
 7037EN River Rats                        Caroline Stevermer   4.6      8.0
   76EN Roller Skates                     Ruth Sawyer          6.3      8.0
35646EN Sacajawea                         Joseph Bruchac       5.7      8.0
   77EN Saucepan Journey                  Edith Unnerstad      5.6      8.0
 6342EN Savage Sam                        Fred Gipson          5.7      8.0
 5084EN Secret City, U.S.A.               Felice Holman        4.8      8.0
28438EN Shadow Spinner                    Susan Fletcher       4.6      8.0
11739EN A Share of Freedom                June Rae Wood        4.8      8.0
 7162EN Short Circuits                    Donald R. Gallo      6.4      8.0
  639EN The Silver Chair                  C.S. Lewis           5.7      8.0
15087EN Slam!                             Walter Dean Myers    4.5      8.0
10928EN Slot Machine                      Chris Lynch          4.7      8.0
 7024EN Sniper                            Theodore Taylor      5.2      8.0
 6992EN Speeding Bullet                   Neal Shusterman      6.6      8.0
 6941EN Squashed                          Joan Bauer           5.5      8.0
10890EN Striking Out                      Will Weaver          3.8      8.0
  141EN Sweet Whispers, Brother Rush      Virginia Hamilton    3.8      8.0
10913EN Tangled Web                       Eloise Jarvis McGr   5.5      8.0
53480EN Tender                            Valerie Hobbs        4.0      8.0
41260EN Tightrope                         Gillian Cross        4.2      8.0
 8592EN To the Summit                     Claire Murphy        5.0      8.0
20142EN The Transall Saga                 Gary Paulsen         4.3      8.0
 6946EN The Trouble with Lemons           Daniel Hayes         5.0      8.0
 5093EN The True Confessions of Charlott  Avi                  5.3      8.0
  594EN The Twisted Window                Lois Duncan          6.2      8.0
11744EN Under the Blood-Red Sun           Graham Salisbury     4.0      8.0
   92EN Understood Betsy                  Dorothy Fisher       5.9      8.0
  249EN Up a Road Slowly                  Irene Hunt           6.6      8.0
 7026EN The Vandemark Mummy               Cynthia Voigt        4.6      8.0
11552EN The Watsons Go to Birmingham-196  Christopher Paul C   5.0      8.0
 7040EN Weeping Willow                    Ruth White           4.2      8.0
 7029EN The Weirdo                        Theodore Taylor      4.6      8.0
  597EN West Against the Wind             Liza Ketchum Murro   4.6      8.0
  144EN The Westing Game                  Ellen Raskin         5.3      8.0
  798EN The Year of the Gopher            Phyllis Reynolds N   5.6      8.0
11750EN The Young Landlords               Walter Dean Myers    5.1      8.0
14907EN Zero at the Bone                  Michael Cadnum       5.9      8.0
    1EN Adam of the Road                  Elizabeth Janet Gr   6.5      9.0
11545EN American Dragons                  Laurence Yep         6.3      9.0
 5054EN And Condors Danced                Zilpha Keatley Sny   6.1      9.0
10295EN Angels of the Swamp               Dorothy Whittaker    5.4      9.0
  728EN April Morning                     Howard Fast          6.1      9.0
54675EN Artemis Fowl                      Eoin Colfer          5.0      9.0
59973EN Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Inciden  Eoin Colfer          5.0      9.0
  456EN Ballet Shoes                      Noel Streatfeild     5.7      9.0
  553EN The Beggar Queen                  Lloyd Alexander      5.3      9.0
 5330EN The Beggars' Ride                 Theresa Nelson       5.2      9.0
  554EN Behind the Attic Wall             Sylvia Cassedy       4.9      9.0
  103EN Big Red                           Jim Kjelgaard        5.6      9.0
10104EN Blitzcat                          Robert Westall       5.9      9.0
18446EN Blood and Chocolate               Annette Curtis Kla   6.4      9.0
  731EN Born Free                         Joy Adamson          7.3      9.0
 7865EN The Broken Bridge                 Philip Pullman       5.0      9.0
10105EN Brother Moose                     Betty Levin          4.6      9.0
25233EN Bull Catcher                      Alden R. Carter      4.4      9.0
  212EN By the Shores of Silver Lake      Laura Ingalls Wild   5.3      9.0
 5062EN Calico Captive                    Elizabeth George S   6.0      9.0
  733EN Captains Courageous               Rudyard Kipling      8.0      9.0
34810EN Cast Two Shadows                  Ann Rinaldi          4.1      9.0
10106EN Catalogue of the Universe         Margaret Mahy        6.3      9.0
  605EN Chain of Fire                     Beverley Naidoo      6.2      9.0
14457EN Companions of the Night           Vivian Vande Velde   6.1      9.0
19198EN Dangerous Skies                   Suzanne Fisher Sta   5.8      9.0
 6911EN Death Walk                        Walt Morey           4.6      9.0
 5065EN The December Rose                 Leon Garfield        6.3      9.0
10279EN Deep Dream of the Rain Forest     Malcolm Bosse        7.2      9.0
 7032EN Dither Farm                       Sid Hite             5.6      9.0
  757EN Don't Look Behind You             Lois Duncan          6.2      9.0
 6914EN Dragonsong                        Anne McCaffrey       6.8      9.0
 5066EN The Everlasting Hills             Irene Hunt           6.1      9.0
17813EN Far North                         Will Hobbs           5.3      9.0
  112EN Farmer Boy                        Laura Ingalls Wild   5.2      9.0
 6919EN Fathom Five                       Robert Westall       4.3      9.0
 6921EN Forbidden City                    William Bell         6.3      9.0
45120EN Forgotten Fire                    Adam Bagdasarian     5.7      9.0
34517EN Foster's War                      Carolyn Reeder       5.9      9.0
14767EN Gallows Hill                      Lois Duncan          6.9      9.0
 5068EN Ghosts I Have Been                Richard Peck         5.7      9.0
25056EN Gib Rides Home                    Zilpha Keatley Sny   6.3      9.0
   31EN Ginger Pye                        Eleanor Estes        6.0      9.0
44872EN The Grave                         James Heneghan       5.4      9.0
10910EN The Great American Elephant Chas  Gillian Cross        4.7      9.0
   33EN The Grey King                     Susan Cooper         6.2      9.0
  366EN Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the  Ann Petry            6.6      9.0
10285EN Having Our Say                    Delany/Delany/Hear   5.9      9.0
31899EN Head Above Water                  S.L. Rottman         3.8      9.0
32906EN Hear These Voices                 Anthony Allison      6.1      9.0
47425EN The Hero of Ticonderoga           Gail Gauthier        5.5      9.0
10036EN Hiroshima                         John Hersey          8.4      9.0
61464EN Hoot                              Carl Hiaasen         5.2      9.0
  228EN The House of Dies Drear           Virginia Hamilton    4.8      9.0
47665EN I Am Morgan le Fay: A Tale from   Nancy Springer       5.6      9.0
 6923EN In Lane Three, Alex Archer        Tessa Duder          5.6      9.0
  119EN Incident at Hawk's Hill           Allan Eckert         7.2      9.0
10037EN The Invisible Man                 H.G. Wells           7.7      9.0
13900EN Ironman                           Chris Crutcher       5.5      9.0
11719EN It Happened to Nancy              Anonymous            5.4      9.0
 6038EN Jack                              A.M. Homes           4.7      9.0
41555EN My Story               Katherine Tarbox     6.1      9.0
11046EN A Knot in the Grain and Other St  Robin McKinley       6.6      9.0
  121EN Lassie Come-Home                  Eric Knight          5.4      9.0
28445EN Life in the Fat Lane              Cherie Bennett       4.0      9.0
18730EN Little Town in the Ozarks         Roger Lea MacBride   5.3      9.0
  327EN Little Town on the Prairie        Laura Ingalls Wild   5.4      9.0
  744EN Lord of the Flies                 William Golding      5.0      9.0
 6024EN Lyddie                            Katherine Paterson   5.6      9.0
12790EN The Martian Chronicles            Ray Bradbury         6.2      9.0
  539EN The Member of the Wedding         Carson McCullers     6.3      9.0
15500EN The Moorchild                     Eloise Jarvis McGr   5.5      9.0
 8882EN Murder on the Orient Express      Agatha Christie      6.2      9.0
 7013EN My Name is Sus5an Smith. The 5 i  Louise Plummer       4.5      9.0
 6935EN Nightmare                         Willo Davis Robert   5.7      9.0
  629EN North to Freedom                  Anne Holm            5.7      9.0
 7015EN Now Is Your Time!                 Walter Dean Myers    8.3      9.0
 7017EN On the Devil's Court              Carl Deuker          4.9      9.0
  746EN Ordinary People                   Judith Guest         4.1      9.0
12792EN Pudd'nhead Wilson                 Mark Twain           8.3      9.0
47668EN The Ransom of Mercy Carter        Caroline B. Cooney   5.7      9.0
 5285EN The Reluctant God                 Pamela F. Service    6.3      9.0
 7022EN The Remarkable Journey of Prince  Lloyd Alexander      5.4      9.0
 7199EN Rescue Josh McGuire               Ben Mikaelsen        4.4      9.0
  243EN The Road from Home                David Kherdian       5.7      9.0
 5287EN The Runner                        Cynthia Voigt        5.0      9.0
29425EN Seaman: The Dog Who Explored the  Gail Langer Karwos   6.0      9.0
 5289EN Send No Blessings                 Phyllis Reynolds N   5.4      9.0
10297EN Shadow of the Dragon              Sherry Garland       5.2      9.0
10289EN Shizuko's Daughter                Kyoko Mori           5.2      9.0
53483EN The Sisterhood of the Traveling   Ann Brashares        4.5      9.0
10254EN Sonata for Mind and Heart         Mary Bell            4.9      9.0
 5959EN Song of the Buffalo Boy           Sherry Garland       5.5      9.0
 8588EN Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes      Chris Crutcher       5.2      9.0
11599EN Stotan!                           Chris Crutcher       5.8      9.0
 6942EN Stranger with My Face             Lois Duncan          6.1      9.0
 6692EN The Striped Ships                 Eloise Jarvis McGr   6.2      9.0
  391EN Summer of My German Soldier       Bette Greene         5.2      9.0
24981EN Swallowing Stones                 Joyce McDonald       5.6      9.0
 5336EN Switching Well                    Peni Griffin         6.4      9.0
 8591EN Tell Me if the Lovers Are Losers  Cynthia Voigt        4.1      9.0
26722EN Thin Ice                          Marsha Qualey        4.5      9.0
  586EN The Third Eye                     Lois Duncan          5.5      9.0
14873EN A Time for Dancing                Davida Wills Hurwi   4.2      9.0
   89EN Tom's Midnight Garden             Philippa Pearce      6.1      9.0
45132EN Touching Spirit Bear              Ben Mikaelsen        5.3      9.0
 6399EN The Trouble with Jacob            Eloise Jarvis McGr   5.4      9.0
  649EN The Voyage of the Dawn Treader    C.S. Lewis           5.9      9.0
11549EN Waiting for the Rain              Sheila Gordon        5.8      9.0
10299EN Walk Two Moons                    Sharon Creech        4.9      9.0
10300EN When No One Was Looking           Rosemary Wells       5.4      9.0
   98EN The Witch of Blackbird Pond       Elizabeth George S   5.7      9.0
 5100EN A Wizard of Earthsea              Ursula K. LeGuin     6.7      9.0
 5972EN Wolf by the Ears                  Ann Rinaldi          4.3      9.0
 5299EN Z for Zachariah                   Robert C. O'Brien    5.6      9.0
21626EN An Acquaintance with Darkness     Ann Rinaldi          3.6     10.0
10101EN Acquainted with the Night         Sollace Hotze        5.3     10.0
  102EN Across Five Aprils                Irene Hunt           6.6     10.0
14751EN After the First Death             Robert Cormier       6.8     10.0
  503EN Alice in Wonderland and Through   Lewis Carroll        7.8     10.0
  701EN All Quiet on the Western Front    Erich Remarque       6.0     10.0
 5254EN All Together Now                  Sue Ellen Bridgers   5.7     10.0
 9999EN The Amethyst Ring                 Scott O'Dell         6.1     10.0
15811EN Angel's Gate                      Gary Crew            4.8     10.0
10102EN At Bertram's Hotel                Agatha Christie      5.8     10.0
 8553EN Beyond the Chocolate War          Robert Cormier       5.7     10.0
65059EN Billy Boy                         Bud Shrake           5.2     10.0
 7031EN Blue Skin of the Sea              Graham Salisbury     5.0     10.0
20061EN The Borrowers Avenged             Mary Norton          5.3     10.0
   13EN The Bronze Bow                    Elizabeth George S   5.0     10.0
  214EN Cheaper by the Dozen              Ernestine/Frank Gi   6.0     10.0
  358EN Child of the Owl                  Laurence Yep         5.5     10.0
14755EN Chinese Handcuffs                 Chris Crutcher       6.0     10.0
25850EN Coyote Waits                      Tony Hillerman       4.7     10.0
14759EN The Crazy Horse Electric Game     Chris Crutcher       5.5     10.0
 7867EN Crocodile Burning                 Michael Williams     4.5     10.0
  528EN Dandelion Wine                    Ray Bradbury         6.0     10.0
58678EN Daughter of Venice                Donna Jo Napoli      4.9     10.0
11709EN Daughters of Eve                  Lois Duncan          5.4     10.0
 6980EN A Different Season                David Klass          5.6     10.0
 5264EN Dove                              Robin Lee Graham     6.6     10.0
10113EN Dragon's Gate                     Laurence Yep         5.3     10.0
  111EN Dragonwings                       Laurence Yep         5.3     10.0
 6915EN The Drowning of Stephan Jones     Bette Greene         7.3     10.0
  361EN The Endless Steppe                Esther Hautzig       6.3     10.0
 8562EN Eva                               Peter Dickinson      6.3     10.0
10114EN The Farthest Shore                Ursula K. LeGuin     6.1     10.0
10116EN Fish and Bones                    Ray Prather          6.0     10.0
30307EN The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon     Stephen King         6.4     10.0
 6388EN Grace                             Jill Paton Walsh     6.3     10.0
 8659EN Heart of Darkness                 Joseph Conrad        9.0     10.0
10292EN In My Father's House              Ann Rinaldi          4.4     10.0
10881EN Indian Captive: The Story of Mar  Lois Lenski          5.4     10.0
10123EN Keeper of the Universe            Louise Lawrence      6.2     10.0
 7010EN Kiss the Dust                     Elizabeth Laird      5.1     10.0
 5074EN Locked in Time                    Lois Duncan          6.5     10.0
  370EN The Long Winter                   Laura Ingalls Wild   5.3     10.0
  125EN M.C. Higgins, the Great           Virginia Hamilton    4.4     10.0
 5945EN Many Waters                       Madeleine L'Engle    4.7     10.0
53419EN A Matter of Profit                Hilari Bell          5.5     10.0
 9969EN Miriam's Well                     Lois Ruby            5.2     10.0
 7012EN The Mozart Season                 Virginia Euwer Wol   4.5     10.0
 8577EN Mr. and Mrs. Bo Jo Jones          Ann Head             5.3     10.0
11729EN Out of the Silent Planet          C.S. Lewis           7.4     10.0
41560EN Over the Wall                     John H. Ritter       4.2     10.0
 8579EN Pageant                           Kathryn Lasky        7.0     10.0
10889EN The Ramsay Scallop                Frances Temple       5.6     10.0
53686EN Razzle                            Ellen Wittlinger     4.9     10.0
10136EN Rebels of the Heavenly Kingdom    Katherine Paterson   6.0     10.0
  136EN Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry      Mildred D. Taylor    5.7     10.0
12794EN Romeo and Juliet                  William Shakespear  12.5     10.0
 5080EN The Root Cellar                   Janet Lunn           5.2     10.0
 5288EN A Semester in the Life of a Garb  Gordon Korman        6.0     10.0
  545EN A Separate Peace                  John Knowles         6.9     10.0
28288EN Someone Like You                  Sarah Dessen         5.1     10.0
28293EN Stealing Freedom                  Elisa Carbone        5.6     10.0
 6398EN A Swiftly Tilting Planet          Madeleine L'Engle    5.2     10.0
  497EN These Happy Golden Years          Laura Ingalls Wild   5.6     10.0
 5092EN Tree of Freedom                   Rebecca Caudill      6.1     10.0
  142EN The Trumpeter of Krakow           Eric Kelly           7.1     10.0
  394EN Upon the Head of the Goat         Aranka Siegal        5.5     10.0
 7028EN We All Fall Down                  Robert Cormier       5.7     10.0
49654EN Whale Talk                        Chris Crutcher       6.1     10.0
 7882EN Whalesinger                       Welwyn Katz          5.5     10.0
   94EN The Wheel on the School           Meindert deJong      4.7     10.0
 9998EN The Wind Blows Backward           Mary Downing Hahn    4.9     10.0
  100EN Young Fu of the Upper Yangtze     Elizabeth Lewis      6.4     10.0
 5251EN An Acceptable Time                Madeleine L'Engle    4.5     11.0
 6902EN Along the Tracks                  Tamar Bergman        4.4     11.0
11703EN A Band of Angels                  Julian F. Thompson   6.0     11.0
  207EN Banner in the Sky                 James Ramsey Ullma   5.1     11.0
 7003EN Beauty                            Robin McKinley       6.2     11.0
    8EN Black Beauty                      Anna Sewell          7.7     11.0
  730EN Black Like Me                     John Howard Griffi   7.0     11.0
43267EN The Body of Christopher Creed     Carol Plum-Ucci      5.3     11.0
 8653EN Brave New World                   Aldous Huxley        7.5     11.0
 5932EN Castle in the Air                 Diana Wynne Jones    6.0     11.0
10109EN The Changeover                    Margaret Mahy        6.2     11.0
10288EN Charms for the Easy Life          Kaye Gibbons         6.5     11.0
 8558EN Come a Stranger                   Cynthia Voigt        5.3     11.0
  110EN Dicey's Song                      Cynthia Voigt        5.0     11.0
30843EN Downsiders                        Neal Shusterman      7.2     11.0
 7007EN The Education of Little Tree      Forrest Carter       5.5     11.0
 7128EN The End of the Road               Tom Bodett           6.7     11.0
34754EN The Endurance: Shackleton's Lege  Caroline Alexander   8.6     11.0
 5265EN An Episode of Sparrows            Rumer Godden         5.9     11.0
12395EN Escape from Egypt                 Sonia Levitin        5.2     11.0
11716EN Fallen Angels                     Walter Dean Myers    4.2     11.0
 9554EN A Girl from Yamhill               Beverly Cleary       6.5     11.0
  510EN The Heroes                        Charles Kingsley     7.4     11.0
   37EN The High King                     Lloyd Alexander      6.1     11.0
   38EN Hitty: Her First Hundred Years    Rachel Field         7.1     11.0
34749EN In My Hands                       Opdyke/Armstrong     6.0     11.0
10125EN Legacy                            Michael Jan Friedm   5.5     11.0
59713EN The Life and Death of Adolf Hitl  James Cross Giblin   9.2     11.0
  124EN A Little Princess                 Frances Burnett      6.0     11.0
11725EN The Lottery Winner                Mary Higgins Clark   5.6     11.0
 8575EN Loves Music, Loves to Dance       Mary Higgins Clark   4.9     11.0
10128EN Maggie's American Dream           James Comer          6.0     11.0
10133EN The Moon by Night                 Madeleine L'Engle    5.5     11.0
  775EN The Moves Make the Man            Bruce Brooks         5.4     11.0
  540EN National Velvet                   Enid Bagnold         5.5     11.0
11730EN Pardon Me, You're Stepping on My  Paul Zindel          6.0     11.0
  779EN Permanent Connections             Sue Ellen Bridgers   6.2     11.0
  135EN A Ring of Endless Light           Madeleine L'Engle    5.2     11.0
 6940EN Ryan White: My Own Story          White/Cunningham     5.4     11.0
 5083EN The Sacred Moon Tree              Laura Jan Shore      5.7     11.0
 5291EN Seventeen against the Dealer      Cynthia Voigt        6.3     11.0
28460EN Shade's Children                  Garth Nix            6.4     11.0
 6042EN Skywater                          Melinda Popham       7.6     11.0
  388EN A Solitary Blue                   Cynthia Voigt        5.3     11.0
15792EN The Thief                         Megan Whalen Turne   6.0     11.0
   93EN The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle    Hugh Lofting         5.7     11.0
  550EN The War of the Worlds             H.G. Wells           9.1     11.0
   95EN Where the Red Fern Grows          Wilson Rawls         4.9     11.0
  524EN The Wind in the Willows           Kenneth Grahame      8.2     11.0
  502EN The Adventures of Tom Sawyer      Mark Twain           8.1     12.0
11596EN All Around the Town               Mary Higgins Clark   5.4     12.0
 5256EN Anne of the Island                L.M. Montgomery      6.3     12.0
  504EN Around the World in Eighty Days   Jules Verne          9.6     12.0
18262EN The China Garden                  Liz Berry            4.6     12.0
18807EN A Cry in the Night                Mary Higgins Clark   6.0     12.0
 6912EN Dragondrums                       Anne McCaffrey       7.5     12.0
41467EN Dreamland                         Sarah Dessen         5.8     12.0
11713EN The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm     Nancy Farmer         4.7     12.0
10943EN The Glory Field                   Walter Dean Myers    5.0     12.0
 6316EN Good Night, Mr. Tom               Michelle Magorian    4.8     12.0
 7871EN The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter  Sharyn McCrumb       6.1     12.0
26759EN Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's   J.K. Rowling         5.5     12.0
 5333EN Haveli                            Suzanne Fisher Sta   6.7     12.0
25964EN Into the Wild                     Jon Krakauer         8.1     12.0
  770EN Izzy, Willy Nilly                 Cynthia Voigt        4.9     12.0
10944EN The King's Shadow                 Elizabeth Alder      6.6     12.0
 6450EN Listening for the Crack of Dawn   Donald D. Davis      6.0     12.0
 5941EN Long Live the Queen               Ellen Emerson Whit   4.3     12.0
  538EN Lost Horizon                      James Hilton         9.5     12.0
  373EN Moccasin Trail                    Eloise Jarvis McGr   5.8     12.0
  129EN Over Sea, Under Stone             Susan Cooper         5.4     12.0
  542EN The Ox-Bow Incident               Walter Clark         5.4     12.0
  518EN The Prince and the Pauper         Mark Twain           9.3     12.0
40715EN Queen's Own Fool                  Yolen/Harris         6.0     12.0
 5953EN The Road to Memphis               Mildred D. Taylor    4.5     12.0
28228EN The Secret Family                 David Bodanis        9.2     12.0
 6691EN Song for a Shadow                 Bernie MacKinnon     4.9     12.0
11581EN Star Flight                       Phyllis A. Whitney   5.7     12.0
30507EN The Story of My Life              Helen Keller         6.8     12.0
11742EN To Race a Dream                   Deborah Savage       5.4     12.0
  522EN Treasure Island                   Robert Louis Steve   8.3     12.0
10650EN Troubling a Star                  Madeleine L'Engle    5.1     12.0
 7050EN Winter of Fire                    Sherryl Jordan       5.6     12.0
  729EN The Autobiography of Miss Jane P  Ernest J. Gaines     4.6     13.0
10830EN A Bell for Adano                  John Hersey          5.9     13.0
34768EN Crooked                           Laura/Tom McNeal     5.2     13.0
  109EN The Dark Is Rising                Susan Cooper         6.2     13.0
 6913EN Dragonsinger                      Anne McCaffrey       6.7     13.0
 9994EN Dreadful Sorry                    Kathryn Reiss        4.9     13.0
 8656EN A Farewell to Arms                Ernest Hemingway     6.0     13.0
  113EN Five Little Peppers and How They  Margaret Sidney      7.9     13.0
  738EN Flowers for Algernon              Daniel Keyes         5.8     13.0
  741EN The Hiding Place                  Corrie TenBoom       6.4     13.0
 7876EN The Island and the Ring           Laura Stevenson      5.9     13.0
   47EN Johnny Tremain                    Esther Forbes        5.9     13.0
13627EN Lorna Doone (Bloomsbury)          R.D. Blackmore       9.2     13.0
11726EN Mairelon the Magician             Patricia C. Wrede    6.3     13.0
  514EN Men of Iron                       Howard Pyle          9.0     13.0
16720EN Profiles in Courage               John F. Kennedy     11.4     13.0
 7019EN Quest for a Maid                  Frances Mary Hendr   5.3     13.0
29949EN The Raging Quiet                  Sherryl Jordan       5.6     13.0
  519EN Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm        Kate Douglas Wiggi   8.1     13.0
10137EN Remember Me                       Mary Higgins Clark   5.3     13.0
   78EN The Secret Garden                 Frances Hodgson Bu   6.3     13.0
10141EN The Shining Company               Rosemary Sutcliff    7.1     13.0
10142EN Sitka                             Louis L'Amour        6.5     13.0
39883EN Sitting Bull and His World        Albert Marrin        7.8     13.0
   83EN Smoky, the Cow Horse              Will James           6.5     13.0
 5087EN Sons from Afar                    Cynthia Voigt        5.3     13.0
  392EN Summer of the Monkeys             Wilson Rawls         4.8     13.0
25911EN Thanks to My Mother               Schoschana Rabinov   6.2     13.0
63446EN The Thief Lord                    Cornelia Funke       4.8     13.0
  549EN Up from Slavery                   Booker T. Washingt   8.2     13.0
11745EN Weep No More, My Lady             Mary Higgins Clark   6.7     13.0
  750EN When the Legends Die              Hal Borland          5.2     13.0
 6685EN The Ancient One                   T.A. Barron          6.1     14.0
10755EN The Bellmaker                     Brian Jacques        5.7     14.0
  505EN The Black Arrow                   Robert Louis Steve   9.0     14.0
12780EN Cry, The Beloved Country          Alan Paton           6.2     14.0
  530EN The Diary of a Young Girl         Anne Frank           6.5     14.0
11711EN Dragonflight                      Anne McCaffrey       6.9     14.0
19784EN Ghost Girl                        Torey L. Hayden      5.7     14.0
  508EN Hans Brinker, or The Silver Skat  Mary Mapes Dodge     8.2     14.0
32081EN Harry Potter and the Chamber of   J.K. Rowling         6.7     14.0
10122EN I'll Be Seeing You                Mary Higgins Clark   5.4     14.0
 6925EN Jackaroo                          Cynthia Voigt        5.6     14.0
  512EN Kidnapped                         Robert Louis Steve   7.6     14.0
  536EN Kon-Tiki                          Thor Heyerdahl       8.0     14.0
10784EN Martin the Warrior                Brian Jacques        5.5     14.0
  713EN My Antonia                        Willa Cather         6.9     14.0
   75EN Rifles for Watie                  Harold Keith         6.1     14.0
  716EN The Scarlet Letter                Nathaniel Hawthorn  11.7     14.0
 5292EN Seventeenth Summer                Maureen Daly         5.9     14.0
  718EN Silas Marner                      George Eliot         9.7     14.0
  748EN A Walk Across America             Peter Jenkins        6.4     14.0
  227EN The Hero and the Crown            Robin McKinley       7.0     15.0
61393EN The House of the Scorpion         Nancy Farmer         5.1     15.0
47263EN It's Not About the Bike: My Jour  Armstrong/Jenkins    6.7     15.0
10839EN The Killer Angels                 Michael Shaara       4.7     15.0
  237EN Let the Circle Be Unbroken        Mildred D. Taylor    5.7     15.0
20083EN The Long Patrol                   Brian Jacques        6.0     15.0
  516EN My Friend Flicka                  Mary O'Hara          6.0     15.0
 7016EN On Fortune's Wheel                Cynthia Voigt        5.6     15.0
15097EN Outcast of Redwall                Brian Jacques        6.3     15.0
  544EN The Scarlet Pimpernel             B. Emma Orczy        8.0     15.0
59717EN This Lullaby                      Sarah Dessen         5.4     15.0
  720EN To Kill a Mockingbird             Harper Lee           5.6     15.0
10148EN West with the Night               Beryl Markham        7.3     15.0
 8600EN Who Killed My Daughter?           Lois Duncan          7.3     15.0
  551EN Anne of Avonlea                   L.M. Montgomery      8.6     16.0
10112EN Dragon Sword and Wind Child       Noriko Ogiwara       6.1     16.0
 8570EN The Haunted Mesa                  Louis L'Amour        6.5     16.0
  509EN Heidi                             Johanna Spyri        8.2     16.0
  511EN The Hobbit                        J.R.R. Tolkien       6.6     16.0
  368EN Homecoming                        Cynthia Voigt        4.4     16.0
 7874EN In My Place                       Charlayne Gault      7.5     16.0
30337EN The Legend of Luke                Brian Jacques        5.7     16.0
 7168EN Mariel of Redwall                 Brian Jacques        5.7     16.0
  572EN Mrs. Mike                         Benedict Freedman    5.3     16.0
11732EN Pelican Brief                     John Grisham         4.7     16.0
59981EN Postcards from No Man's Land      Aidan Chambers       5.4     16.0
 7129EN Redwall                           Brian Jacques        5.6     16.0
 5954EN Saint Maybe                       Anne Tyler           5.3     16.0
10793EN Salamandastron                    Brian Jacques        5.7     16.0
17842EN The Subtle Knife                  Philip Pullman       6.2     16.0
20230EN The Sword in the Stone            T.H. White           7.5     16.0
 5976EN 1984                              George Orwell        8.9     17.0
 8505EN Amy's Eyes                        Richard Kennedy      5.8     17.0
  203EN Anne of Green Gables              L.M. Montgomery      7.3     17.0
  106EN The Blue Sword                    Robin McKinley       6.8     17.0
 8560EN Death of an Expert Witness        P.D. James           7.3     17.0
  533EN Frankenstein                      Mary Shelley        12.4     17.0
19789EN Into Thin Air                     Jon Krakauer         8.9     17.0
  535EN Journey to the Center of the Ear  Jules Verne          9.9     17.0
11724EN The Lost World                    Michael Crichton     5.0     17.0
28453EN Marlfox                           Brian Jacques        5.7     17.0
 6688EN Mossflower                        Brian Jacques        5.1     17.0
  140EN A String in the Harp              Nancy Bond           5.2     17.0
  501EN The Adventures of Huckleberry Fi  Mark Twain           6.6     18.0
11542EN A Girl of the Limberlost          Gene Stratton Port   6.1     18.0
32082EN Harry Potter and the Prisoner of  J.K. Rowling         6.7     18.0
29969EN Kim (Unabridged)                  Rudyard Kipling      7.7     18.0
54637EN The Land                          Mildred D. Taylor    5.0     18.0
 6050EN Mattimeo                          Brian Jacques        5.2     18.0
64033EN Peace Like a River                Leif Enger           6.3     18.0
15829EN Pearls of Lutra                   Brian Jacques        6.1     18.0
  717EN The Sea Wolf                      Jack London          8.1     18.0
11712EN Dragonquest                       Anne McCaffrey       6.9     19.0
 6036EN Ferris Beach                      Jill McCorkle        6.2     19.0
 6037EN Friday Night Lights               H.G. Bissinger       8.0     19.0
15085EN The Golden Compass                Philip Pullman       7.1     19.0
  706EN The Good Earth                    Pearl S. Buck        6.8     19.0
  740EN The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter      Carson McCullers     6.3     19.0
  537EN Little Men                        Louisa May Alcott    8.1     19.0
  147EN White Fang                        Jack London          8.4     19.0
10150EN The Wings of a Falcon             Cynthia Voigt        5.8     19.0
  725EN The Yearling                      Marjorie Rawlings    5.0     19.0
10927EN The Client                        John Grisham         4.8     20.0
 8564EN The Firm                          John Grisham         4.6     20.0
 7009EN Jurassic Park                     Michael Crichton     7.3     20.0
 6044EN The Tiger in the Well             Philip Pullman       5.9     20.0
  527EN Connecticut Yankee in King Arthu  Mark Twain           9.2     21.0
  515EN The Merry Adventures of Robin Ho  Howard Pyle          8.6     21.0
16719EN The Pilgrim's Progress            John Bunyan         10.4     21.0
58070EN The Ropemaker                     Peter Dickinson      6.3     21.0
  506EN The Story of King Arthur and His  Howard Pyle          9.4     21.0
36207EN Vector Prime                      R.A. Salvatore       8.2     21.0
  723EN The Virginian                     Owen Wister          6.3     21.0
 8597EN The Walking Drum                  Louis L'Amour        6.3     21.0
11747EN The White Dragon                  Anne McCaffrey       6.6     21.0
10107EN Cat's Eye                         Margaret Atwood      6.1     22.0
 5988EN The Jungle                        Upton Sinclair       8.0     22.0
  712EN Mutiny on the Bounty              Nordhoff/Hall        8.4     22.0
 5286EN The Return of the King            J.R.R. Tolkien       6.2     22.0
  521EN The Swiss Family Robinson         Johann Wyss          9.7     23.0
34819EN These Is My Words                 Nancy E. Turner      5.6     23.0
  548EN A Tree Grows in Brooklyn          Betty Smith          5.8     23.0
 5295EN The Two Towers                    J.R.R. Tolkien       6.3     23.0
  724EN Wuthering Heights                 Emily Bronte        11.3     23.0
  705EN Drums                             James Boyd           7.9     25.0
  507EN Gulliver's Travels                Jonathan Swift      13.5     25.0
 6922EN The Hunt for Red October          Tom Clancy           6.3     25.0
18947EN The Shining                       Stephen King         5.8     25.0
18435EN Total Control                     David Baldacci       6.6     25.0
  749EN Watership Down                    Richard Adams        6.2     25.0
  726EN All Creatures Great and Small     James Herriot        6.8     26.0
  543EN Rebecca                           Daphne DuMaurier     6.8     26.0
  721EN Two Years before the Mast         Richard Henry Dana   7.7     26.0
  732EN Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee     Dee Brown            7.9     27.0
  714EN Pride and Prejudice               Jane Austen         12.0     27.0
  520EN Robinson Crusoe                   Daniel Defoe        12.3     27.0
  719EN A Tale of Two Cities              Charles Dickens      9.7     27.0
10447EN Vienna Prelude                    Bodie Thoene         5.4     27.0
  523EN 20,000 Leagues under the Sea      Jules Verne         10.0     28.0
18556EN Dune                              Frank Herbert        5.7     28.0
12783EN For Whom the Bell Tolls           Ernest Hemingway     5.8     28.0
  739EN Giants in the Earth               O.E. Rolvaag         8.4     28.0
  737EN The Fellowship of the Ring        J.R.R. Tolkien       6.1     29.0
  710EN The Last of the Mohicans          James Fenimore Coo  10.3     29.0
  532EN Drums Along the Mohawk            Walter D. Edmonds    6.2     31.0
11731EN Patriot Games                     Tom Clancy           5.5     31.0
40670EN Harry Potter and the Goblet of F  J.K. Rowling         6.8     32.0
16725EN Uncle Tom's Cabin                 Harriet Beecher St   9.3     32.0
  709EN Jane Eyre                         Charlotte Bronte     7.9     33.0
  513EN Little Women                      Louisa May Alcott    7.9     33.0
 7116EN Oliver Twist                      Charles Dickens     11.3     33.0
12778EN The Count of Monte Cristo         Alexandre Dumas      8.8     34.0
11597EN The Moonstone                     Wilkie Collins       7.6     34.0
  707EN Great Expectations                Charles Dickens      9.2     35.0
 5985EN The Hunchback of Notre-Dame       Hugo/Cobb           11.8     38.0
  703EN Crime and Punishment              Fyodor Dostoyevsky   8.7     40.0
  711EN Moby Dick                         Herman Melville     10.3     42.0
  547EN The Three Musketeers              Alexandre Dumas     11.3     42.0
16710EN The Deerslayer                    James Fenimore Coo  11.2     44.0
 8671EN Roots                             Alex Haley           7.4     48.0
  704EN David Copperfield                 Charles Dickens      9.5     66.0
  722EN Vanity Fair                       William M. Thacker  12.4     66.0
  702EN Anna Karenina                     Leo Tolstoy          9.6     69.0
  534EN Gone with the Wind                Margaret Mitchell    7.1     71.0
12781EN Don Quixote                       Cervantes/Smollett  13.2     91.0
10048EN War and Peace                     Leo Tolstoy         10.1    118.0